Hossain Mohammad Salim: A Pioneer Social Reformer

Hossain Mohammad Salim

Hossain Mohammad Salim is a prominent figure in Bangladesh, renowned as the Imam of the non-political movement Hezbut Tawheed. His unwavering opposition to the injustices rooted in the current social system has earned him widespread recognition.


Birth and Family


Born on November 28, 1972, in Porkara village, Sonaimuri sub-district, Noakhali district, Bangladesh, Mr. Salim hails from a distinguished Muslim family. His father, Nurul Haque, was a respected public figure who served as an elected representative for over two decades. His mother, Hosne-Ara Begum, played a crucial role in shaping his early life and values.



Early Life and Education


The Honorable Imam of Hezbut Tawheed delivers an inspiring speech at the member conference organized by the Dhaka Metropolitan Division of Hezbut Tawheed. Venue: Mahanagar Natyamanch, Gulistan, Dhaka. Date: March 11, 2023.

Hossain Mohammad Salim began his education at a local Maktab, where he learned to recite the Qur'an and acquired basic etiquette at a young age. After completing his primary education at Porkara Government Primary School, he continued his studies, earning his SSC in the science division from Ahmad Ullah High School in 1989. In 1993, he graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) degree from Nawab Faizunnesa Government College, Comilla, under the National University. He later obtained a Master’s degree in Political Science from Jagannath University. Following his academic achievements, Mr. Salim embarked on a career in business.


Social Activities and Hezbut Tawheed


Motivated by a deep concern for justice and peace, Mr. Salim immersed himself in social activities, particularly focused on alleviating the suffering of the global Muslim community. In 1999, Mr. Salim came into contact with Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, the founder of Hezbut Tawheed and a descendant of the zamindar and historic Sultani family of the Indian sub-continent. His organizational skills, eloquence, courage, and dedication quickly earned him the trust of Emamuzzaman. Over the next twelve years, he served as a campaign commander and coordinator. Following the founder’s passing in 2012, the significant responsibility of leadership was entrusted to Mr. Salim. Since then, Mr. Salim has tirelessly traveled across Bangladesh, delivering speeches on the true teachings of Islam in both prestigious auditoriums and modest village courtyards. His powerful voice now reverberates throughout Bengal. Under his guidance, the movement has grown into a strong ideological force opposing extremism, sectarianism, political apathy, bigotry, misogyny, indecent culture, Islamophobia, and inconsistencies within the established social system.


Hossain Mohammad Salim
Uncompromising Ideals and Struggles


Presenting a Counter-Ideology Against Extremism


The distortion of Islam, often backed by Western imperialist forces, has led to the global spread of extremism and instilled widespread fear of Islam. In response, Mr. Salim argues that while force may temporarily contain extremism, it cannot eradicate it. He advocates for an alternative ideology rooted in the true teachings of Islam. Despite facing threats from extremists, Mr. Salim remains steadfast in speaking out and writing against extremism.


Strong Stance Against the Commercialization of Religion


Religion was intended to establish peace and harmony in society, with its role dedicated solely to the welfare of humanity and the pleasure of Allah. However, today, some individuals exploit religion for personal and group interests, actions strictly forbidden in Islam. Others manipulate religious sentiments to promote fanaticism and terrorism. Imam Salim presents compelling evidence and arguments against such misuse of religion. Despite constant threats and relentless false propaganda from these factions, he remains unwavering in his commitment to exposing the truth.


Voice Against Corrupt and Violent Politics

Hossain Mohammad Salim


In Bangladesh, terrorism disguised as democracy, often mirroring Western models, has been a persistent issue. Mr. Salim vehemently opposes this trend, arguing that the politics of division presented as democratic practice will never bring true peace to the nation. Instead, he advocates for an ideology that unites the country around truth and justice, rather than perpetuating divisive politics. Mr. Salim has detailed his vision for building a cohesive and just society in his speeches and writings.


Raising Awareness Against the Misuse of Islam for Political Gain


Numerous Islamic political parties, adopting Western political models, distort religious teachings to secure votes and advance their own agendas. Simultaneously, they engage in terrorist and destructive activities, often cloaking these actions in the guise of democracy. The esteemed Imam of Hezbut Tawheed steadfastly promotes an alternative framework that upholds the true teachings of Islam, resolutely opposing the exploitation of religion for political gain.


Promoting Communal Harmony 


Hate speech and incitement against minority groups at religious gatherings have become alarmingly common in Bangladesh. Yet Islam fundamentally advocates for protecting the lives and properties of people of all faiths. Guided by this principle, Mr. Salim has dedicated himself to dismantling communal divisions and fostering harmony among different religious communities. Under his leadership, Hezbut Tawheed has organized thousands of conferences and dialogues with religious leaders and influential figures to strengthen communal unity.


Countering Misogynistic Interpretation of Islam  


During the era of true Islam, women played a vital role alongside men in building civilizations and making significant sacrifices. However, over the centuries, edicts have been issued declaring women’s participation in social and state affairs as contrary to religion. The leader of Hezbut Tawheed has boldly challenged these misguided decrees, encouraging women to actively contribute in every field according to their abilities while maintaining modesty. Under his leadership, Hezbut Tawheed has undertaken substantial efforts to raise awareness about women’s rights and dignity in Islam—an achievement unmatched by any other Islamic organization in Bangladesh.


Guiding Wayward YouthHossain Mohammad Salim 


A significant portion of the nation's youth has succumbed to drug addiction, while Western cultural influences, digital device addiction, and personal frustrations have further led many astray. The Imam of Hezbut Tawheed is actively working to redirect this immense potential toward the nation’s welfare, encouraging youth to contribute to building a new civilization. Under his leadership, Hezbut Tawheed’s sports and cultural divisions organize various sports competitions and cultural events aimed at promoting healthy activities. They have successfully established over fifty sports and cultural organizations across the country.


Development Initiatives  


To combat poverty, generate employment, and advance agriculture and industry in his village, the esteemed Imam of Hezbut Tawheed has spearheaded over fifty development projects. These initiatives encompass cattle farming, fish farming, rice and vegetable cultivation, garment manufacturing, and food processing, collectively creating thousands of job opportunities. Annual local trade fairs are organized to showcase products from these ventures, contributing to the region's economic growth. Through these efforts, Mr. Salim is transforming a once remote rural area into a model of modern township development. This remarkable transformation has been featured on various media outlets, including Bangladesh Television (BTV).


Hossain Mohammad SalimIlluminating the Path Out of Illiteracy  


To bring education to the underprivileged in his community, Mr. Salim established Chasihat Nurul Haque High School. This institution offers a well-rounded curriculum that integrates general education with science and technology, alongside religious and moral instruction. The school employs skilled teachers from prestigious institutions, including Dhaka University, who are dedicated to molding students into competitive global citizens. Through various activities such as sports, cultural programs, entertainment, computer training, educational tours, and technical education, the institution strives to equip its students with the tools needed for success in a rapidly changing world.


Authorship of Ideological Literature


Sparking a renaissance begins with transforming the human mind, a mission that Mr. Salim has passionately pursued through his speeches and writings. Each year, his books are prominently featured at the national book fair, with ten publications to his name thus far. His works have deeply resonated with thoughtful readers, inspiring many to view the world from a fresh perspective. In addition to his books, Mr. Salim manages the publication of two daily newspapers and oversees several online portals and TV channels. He is also an active voice on social media, consistently sharing his insights and opinions.


Victim of Extremist Attacks  


Due to his progressive views and innovative interpretations of Islam, Mr. Salim has faced repeated attacks from extremist groups. His residence in Porkara village, Noakhali, has been assaulted four times by these groups, resulting inHossain Mohammad Salim significant looting and arson. Notably, during a 2016 attack, extremists brutally murdered two members of Hezbut Tawheed. Despite enduring these severe threats and personal risks, Mr. Salim remains undeterred and resolutely continues his mission.




Hossain Mohammad Salim is a living legend and a touchstone of change in every sense. He fervently advocates for the authentic teachings of Islam while actively driving social reform and development initiatives. His mission is to forge a society marked by justice, tolerance, and peace. In this envisioned community, women and children will enjoy the highest levels of rights and protection. People of all faiths will live together in harmony, free from the shadows of extremism, religious oppression, or political exploitation. Through the Smart Village project, he has already laid the foundation for such a society within his community. The esteemed Imam of Hezbut Tawheed calls upon all peace-loving and forward-thinking citizens to join in expanding this noble vision across Bangladesh.





Video speech

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. So we have to take initiative proper