Ideological War to Eradicate Terrorism


Terrorism remains one of humanity's most pressing challenges. The global fight against it is not merely military; it also involves a clash of civilizations, often pitting Islam against Western materialistic values. While terrorism is frequently linked to Islam, it is crucial to recognize that its roots lie primarily in Western imperialism, particularly during the Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980s.
Origins of Modern Terrorism
During the Soviet-Afghan war, Western powers, led by the CIA and Pakistan's ISI, mobilized Afghan fighters by stirring religious fervor. These fighters, convinced they were engaging in a holy war (Jihad), were unknowingly participating in a struggle for American interests. This manipulation of religious sentiment gave birth to modern Islamic terrorism, which later spread globally as the returning Mujahideen carried extremist ideologies to their home countries.
The Ideological Nature of Terrorism
Terrorism is fundamentally an ideology-driven extremism, where individuals are influenced by distorted interpretations of Islamic teachings. Their actions are motivated by religious zeal rather than material gain, making them resilient to mere military force. Hezbut Tawheed argues that to effectively combat terrorism, it is essential to challenge and disprove these distorted ideologies.
Proposing an Ideological Counteraction
In 2008, Emamuzzaman Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, the founder of Hezbut Tawheed, proposed an ideological battle alongside military efforts to combat terrorism. He emphasized that terrorism, being rooted in a distorted ideology, cannot be eradicated by force alone. His pamphlet “Jehad, Qital, and Terrorism” clarified that terrorism is not a part of Islamic Jihad but rather a perversion of its teachings.
Continuing the Struggle


Following Emamuzzaman's death in 2012, his successor, Emam Hossain Mohammad Salim, has led Hezbut Tawheed in organizing nationwide efforts to raise awareness against terrorism. Despite facing constant threats and attacks, Hezbut Tawheed’s members remain committed to educating the public through cultural events, publications, and direct engagement.
Confronting Extremism Through Education
Hezbut Tawheed's fight against terrorism extends to the literary arena, with Emam Hossain Mohammad Salim authoring books and articles to expose the fallacies of terrorist ideologies. These efforts aim to enlighten the public and provide a unified front against extremism, communalism, and the misuse of religion.
A Fearless Battle
Despite facing violence and persecution, Hezbut Tawheed continues its fearless battle against terrorism. Their commitment to humanity and the welfare of the nation drives them to persist in their mission, undeterred by the dangers they face. Through their work, they seek to eradicate the roots of terrorism by challenging its ideology and promoting a peaceful, united society.