Hezbut Tawheed's Proposal to Resolve the Global Crisis


In recent times, Bangladesh has been engulfed by severe political conflicts. The streets have seen blockades, the burning of vehicles, and terrorist activities, all in the name of democratic rights. The situation escalated to the point where a mass uprising erupted across the country, leading to the tragic loss of hundreds of lives, including members of law enforcement. The destruction did not stop there—billions of dollars worth of national assets were destroyed. Unfortunately, such episodes of political unrest seem to recur every few years, plunging the nation into chaos and causing immense harm to both life and property.
Concurrently, global tensions have escalated. The Israel-Palestine conflict is at its peak, and the Russia-Ukraine war continues to rage on, causing widespread economic distress, with rising prices and increasing unemployment, leaving people in despair. Amidst this chaos, it is imperative to seek solutions to these pressing issues.
The Western Materialistic Civilization


Today, the world is dominated by a single civilization—the Western Materialistic Civilization. Proponents of this civilization pride themselves on their technological and scientific advancements, their ability to explore Mars, extract mineral wealth from the earth and sea, and control the polar regions. However, this same civilization is responsible for two world wars, resulting in the deaths of 140 million people and leaving countless others injured or maimed.
In the aftermath of these wars, the United Nations was established with the goal of maintaining world peace. Numerous human rights organizations were formed, and humanitarian laws were enacted. Yet, wars have persisted. In the last 75 years, at least 50 million people have died in conflicts instigated by the leading states of this civilization. Every day, newspapers worldwide are filled with reports of murders, rapes, disappearances, and riots. Crime is on the rise, and oppression, exploitation, and injustice are rampant in every society.
Nuclear Weapons and the Fragility of Global Peace
The world has become increasingly inhospitable, with innocent blood being spilled every day. The ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict has claimed the lives of thousands of women and children. The most terrifying aspect of this civilization is the stockpiling of 20,000 nuclear bombs by war-mongering imperialist states. These states thrive on war, as their economies are driven by the sale of weapons worth trillions of dollars annually. The devastation caused by these wars—the loss of lives, the destruction of towns, the abuse of women, and the death of children—is of little concern to them. Their focus is on maintaining their economic power and global dominance.
Despite possessing nuclear weapons, these states refrain from using them—not out of concern for humanity, but out of fear of mutual destruction. The United States and Russia both know that if one attacks the other with nuclear weapons, they will face the same fate. This fear, rather than any sense of morality or justice, prevents the use of these devastating weapons.
The Need for Spiritual and Social Reform
The current system, based on soulless materialism, has led to spiritual degradation and a fractured world divided into two hundred nation-states, each with its own system of government. These states are often engaged in conflicts, exploiting and oppressing others in the name of national interest. Economic inequality has reached unprecedented levels, with most of the world's wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, while the majority suffer under the burdens of taxes, debt, and inflation.
The French Revolution promised liberty, equality, and fraternity, yet France went on to establish colonies, depriving others of freedom. The American Revolution sought to free itself from British rule, but racism and discrimination persist in the United States. The Russian Revolution promised peace and bread, but it led to more conflict and suffering, culminating in the ongoing war in Ukraine. The Chinese Cultural Revolution sought to eradicate capitalist and traditional elements, but China has since embraced capitalism, and the plight of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar remains ignored.
The Need for a Divine Solution
Democracy, established in 120 countries, has often devolved into dictatorship, with people deprived of their rights. In Bangladesh, a nation born out of a struggle for independence and justice, political corruption, religious extremism, and social unrest have become commonplace. The world is facing environmental degradation due to urbanization, industrialization, and a consumerist lifestyle. Forests are being destroyed, rivers are dying, and global warming is increasing. Humanity is on the brink of destroying the very planet it calls home.
The solution to these crises is not self-evident; they are the result of our collective actions. It is time for humanity to consider the next generation and adopt a way of life that not only fosters spiritual growth but also ensures economic and social justice. This way of life cannot be man-made; it must be provided by the Creator who fashioned humanity. Ignoring the Creator in our calculations will only lead to further disaster.
The Role of True Islamic Teachings in Guiding Humanity
We must acknowledge that there is a Creator, that all humans are part of one family, and that every person has equal rights to the earth's resources. Discrimination based on race, faith, or culture is forbidden by the Creator. Humanity can only be divided into two groups: the good and the evil. This standard of good and evil must be determined by the Creator. Throughout history, Messengers of the Creator have been sent to guide humanity with a balanced way of life. As long as people adhered to this divine guidance, they enjoyed peace and prosperity.
Unfortunately, the teachings of the last Messenger of the Creator have been lost over time. The ruling class deviated from the original message, leading to the downfall of the civilization that once thrived under divine guidance. Today, the Muslim world is fragmented and oppressed, and Islam is often associated with extremism and terrorism due to the actions of a few who misinterpret the teachings of the Quran and Hadith.
Hezbut Tawheed's Vision for Global Peace and Unity
We, as Muslims, must make it clear to the world that true Islam is not a doctrine of terrorism. Those who commit atrocities in the name of Islam do not represent the faith. The definition of terrorism is often debated, but we must unequivocally condemn any form of aggression that results in the unjust killing of innocent people, regardless of the perpetrator's religion or nationality.
In conclusion, the good news is that we have received a simple way of life from the Creator, a system that can bring humanity back from the brink of destruction. This ideology has been presented across Bangladesh for the last 29 years, and millions have embraced it. Hezbut Tawheed is a respected, law-abiding, and non-political movement that advocates for this divine way of life.
A Call to Embrace a Unified System of Life
We invite all of humanity to embrace this ideology and work together to build a world where security, prosperity, humanity, brotherhood, and justice thrive. A world where peace prevails under a unified system of life. The path ahead is clear; it is up to us to walk it. Together, we can create a better world for future generations.