He is a resolute fighter against extremism


He is a resolute fighter against extremism.
He is a symbol of charismatic leadership for the youth.
In our country, 90% of the population is Muslim. Their religious beliefs and consciousness are being exploited by a specific, identified group of religious profiteers, extremists, communalists, and fundamentalists for personal, group, and political interests. They seek to destabilize society by creating religious hysteria over various issues. Using the sacred religion of Islam revealed by Allah, this group of religious profiteers is inciting subversion. They are using school, college, and madrasa students as their tools.
Young people inherently have a drive for social change. Extremist and militant organizations have destroyed the lives of many youths by exploiting this drive. They have found neither Allah nor the Prophet. Our governments have spent millions to counter their terrorist activities, trying to control them through force. While this provides temporary relief, the problem has not been eradicated.
The extremists are waiting for the opportunity to create subversion.
Our stance is that if the true ideology of Islam and the real spirit of patriotism can be presented to the youth, if the purpose of life and the distinction between the right and wrong paths can be made clear to them, then no one will be able to use the banner of religion to incite them into creating subversion. Hezbut Tawheed is striving to raise public awareness through meetings, seminars, and discussion, and is also working with students in this endeavor.