Hezbut Tawheed's Sports Initiatives and Perspectives


Youth is the lifeblood of a nation. Without vitality in the young, the nation falters. To advance a nation, the youth must be dynamic, idealistic, and healthy both physically and mentally. It is society's responsibility to create opportunities for their growth. By providing the right platform, their hidden talents can emerge, allowing them to make meaningful contributions to society. Sports can help steer youth away from drugs, self-centeredness, selfishness, unhealthy entertainment, and cultural aggression. Driven by a desire to benefit the nation, Hezbut Tawheed has selflessly established football and kabaddi clubs across the country.
One of the greatest deficiencies of our time is the lack of a proper ideology. Many young people are unaware of what ideologies are and why they are essential. They often spend their time on trivial activities, drifting aimlessly through life. Modern technology, internet-based games, and harmful cultural influences have opened doors to destruction. Corrupt politics exploit them, leading them into violence and drug abuse. Meanwhile, distorted religious interpretations push many towards militant activities, squandering their precious energy. They neither value their bodies nor their souls and are indifferent to their protection. No one has informed them that they are representatives of Allah and that their existence in this world has profound significance. Our duty as humans is to maintain peace according to Allah's will, uphold human rights, and prevent conflict and bloodshed. To fulfill this duty, we must be physically healthy, mentally stable, and spiritually pure.
We at Hezbut Tawheed believe that sports and cultural activities are crucial for protecting the youth from these negative influences. We are committed to the liberation of mankind from all injustice. A strong, vibrant nation requires healthy and energetic citizens. A nation's overall development depends on having robust individuals. A healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. When both body and mind are fit, progress can be achieved. Sports promote qualities such as brotherhood, solidarity, and leadership while enhancing physical and mental fitness. Given the current global crisis, physical ability is crucial for safeguarding oneself, one’s family, and society.
Every member of Hezbut Tawheed should be physically and mentally healthy, dynamic, brave, hardworking, and active. They regularly engage in sports such as kabaddi, football, marathon running, swimming, badminton, and cycling. The women’s division of Hezbut Tawheed is equally active, frequently organizing outdoor games for women.
Regrettably, some so-called ulama have declared all sports as haram, spreading misinformation about Hezbut Tawheed's sports initiatives. However, Islam encourages physical exercise due to its numerous benefits. Islam condemns laziness and idleness. Hadiths indicate that Allah favors active, vibrant, and strong believers. The Messenger of Allah organized various sports competitions in front of Masjid al-Nabawi and awarded winners in wrestling, archery, and horse racing. He also participated in these events. However, the Messenger of Allah forbade games that foster introversion, unhealthy competition, financial transactions, gambling, or betting. Emulating the Messenger’s example, Hezbut Tawheed discourages indoor entertainment and sports.
The founder of Hezbut Tawheed, Imamuzzaman Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, was a national-level sportsman. At 14, he hunted a crocodile, and at 17, a man-eating tiger. He excelled in football, kabaddi, and yoga. In 1956, he won a rifle shooting competition and was selected for the Pakistan team in the World Olympic Championship in Melbourne, Australia.
To promote kabaddi, the national sport of Bangladesh, he established the 'Tawheed Kabaddi Team,' organizing numerous tournaments nationwide. The Tawheed Kabaddi Team has succeeded in various tournaments as a member of the National Kabaddi Federation. Honorable Imam Hossain Mohammad Salim continued this legacy by founding the Pinnacle Sports Association, creating 55 sports organizations across the country. Annual football, kabaddi, badminton tournaments, and marathon competitions are organized. Each year, over a hundred tournaments are held nationwide as part of Hezbut Tawheed's initiatives. Members also participate in self-defense sports like wushu, kushu, and karate, showcasing their skills at events under the Bangladesh Kushu Federation.
In conclusion, Hezbut Tawheed plays a vital role in enhancing the physical and mental well-being of the nation’s youth, nurturing qualities such as unity, discipline, loyalty, punctuality, perseverance, regularity, brotherhood, leadership, compassion, and harmony. Sports and physical activities are indispensable for shielding youth from negative influences and fostering an ideological renaissance among them. Hezbut Tawheed is dedicated to guiding misguided youth back to the right path.