Congratulations to the struggling students


Congratulations to the students and people for their historic victory against injustice from the non-political movement, Hezbut Tawheed. When state oppression began against students protesting for fair quota reform, I condemned it through Facebook Live and praised the students' spirit. I said during the live broadcast that our students have shown their rebellious spirit is still strong. They know how to stand up against injustice, just like they did before.
Now, the great awakening of the students and people has happened. We support movements that fight against injustice. However, an extremist group is taking advantage of this situation and spreading false information about Hezbut Tawheed across the country.
Hezbut Tawheed has been working against all kinds of injustices for 29 years. During this time, many governments have come and gone in Bangladesh, but none have run the state according to Allah's command. Therefore, Hezbut Tawheed has never felt the need to support or oppose any government. We are a non-political movement in Bangladesh. This movement has only been working with full effort to invite people to follow the path of true Islam. Hezbut Tawheed has always tried to establish the true teaching of Islam.
We call on the authorities and concerned parties to make sure that no one harms Hezbut Tawheed by spreading false information and taking advantage of the current political situation.