Development Activities of Hezbut Tawheed


Imam Hossain Mohammad Salim, the chairman (supreme leader) of Hezbut Tawheed, has significantly transformed a rural area by embracing the philosophy that “building smart villages is integral to building a smart Bangladesh.” He introduced a new paradigm and created an ideal village that stands as a model for others to follow.
Typically, no one takes the risk of investing crores of taka for the development of a village or for creating employment opportunities for its residents. However, the Imam of Hezbut Tawheed did just that.
Construction of the Mosque Complex
He built a four-story mosque complex to offer the five daily prayers, including the Friday prayer. Thousands of men and women participate every Friday, marking a significant event for women's participation in mosques within the context of Bangladesh. The mosque plays a vital role in the moral, social, and spiritual development of the local community. Humanitarian assistance is provided to needy villagers on various occasions. Additionally, the second floor of the mosque hosts various social events, including dowry-free marriages. Press conferences and public awareness meetings against social issues such as drug abuse and eve teasing are also held here.
Establishment of Educational Institutions
In 2020, he founded Chashirhat Nurul Haque High School on his own land with his own funds. This educational institution is staffed by a teaching panel consisting of graduates from various renowned universities in the country, including Dhaka University.
Medical Services for Locals
A medical center has been set up in the village to provide medical services to the locals, offering both homeopathic and allopathic treatments. Additionally, a large hospital is currently under construction.
Employment through Industrial Projects
He established a garment factory to provide employment to local people, employing hundreds. Additionally, he set up a food processing company that produces around 70 products, ensuring the supply of unadulterated pure food across the country.
Housing for Employees
A housing project has been established, featuring a six-storey building that accommodates more than three hundred employees and officials working in his various institutions.
Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Projects
Hussain Mohammad Salim owns four cow farms, including a dairy farm and three fattening farms. Cows are reared here in 100% organic and natural ways, and the farm's reputation for delicious beef has spread nationwide.
Fisheries and Agricultural Projects
A fisheries project spans 2000 decimal lands. There are also goat and sheep farms, duck farms, and layer and broiler chicken farms. Additionally, extensive agricultural projects (vegetable and paddy cultivation) are carried out on hundreds of bighas of land.
Diverse Small Business Ventures
More than fifty companies have been established, including leather bag manufacturing, watch assembly, electric bulb assembly, transportation, and small businesses, providing employment to thousands of people.
Employment Principles
One of the principles of Hezbut Tawheed is that none of the capable members of this movement shall remain unemployed; each shall earn according to their own merit. Each committee of the movement has an employment secretary to plan and coordinate employment creation. The main objective is to utilize every inch of productive land and every water body owned by the members of Hezbut Tawheed to make the nation economically self-reliant through labor, money, knowledge, and talent.
Annual Trade Fair
A week-long trade fair is organized every year at Chashirhat Nurul Haque High School grounds, featuring products produced in its own projects. The fair offers everything needed for daily life, from children's toys to beef, mutton, fish, vegetables, clothing, crockery items, furniture, delicate items, and food. Most of these products are produced under the Chashirhat development project.
Promoting Sprots and Cultural Activities
Various tournaments, including football, badminton, and kabaddi, are organized annually, promoting native culture among the youth and keeping them away from negative influences such as drugs.
Through these institutions and initiatives the Chashirhat region has transformed from an underdeveloped village to a smart village with all kinds of civic amenities. Social security has been established in a society previously plagued by conflicts and factions.