🕋 Explore the profound historical event of the conquest of Mecca by the Last Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH), in this enlightening video. Discover why Bilal, a former slave, was specifically chosen to give the call to prayer from the roof of the Kaaba, symbolizing Islam's stance on human rights and equality.


🌍 Journey through the challenges faced by Messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH) in Mecca, where oppression and injustice prevailed. Witness the unexpected forgiveness extended to the leaders who opposed him and the unique significance of Bilal's call to prayer from the sacred Kaaba. 


📜 Uncover the deeper purpose behind this event, where Messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH) intentionally challenged societal norms by elevating Bilal, symbolizing that human dignity transcends race, social status, or lineage. Learn how the Messenger of Allah pioneered the concept of human rights over a thousand years ago. 


🔍 Delve into the powerful message conveyed by Messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH), promoting equity and justice, and challenging false sentiments prevalent in society. Discover why the dignity of an honest person, like Bilal, was deemed more significant than the revered Kaaba. 


🌟 Join us in understanding the timeless lesson from history that equality and human rights are intrinsic values in Islam. Subscribe to our channel, share the video, and stay tuned for more thought-provoking content. Thank you for being part of our community! 


Content Declaration :


This content is for news purpose. There may be some disturbing scene which we use for the story demand.



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