Scenes from today's Jumma at Sonaimuri Shaheedi Jame Masjid reveal a significant aspect of Islamic tradition. The true essence of Jumma, a weekly gathering of Muslims, seems to have been forgotten by many in the Muslim community. Historically, the nation's Imam or his representative would be present, delivering crucial instructions to the community every Friday through the sermon. Women also actively participated in these authentic Islamic Jumma gatherings.
Hezbut Tawheed is committed to reviving the true history and practice of Jumma in Islam. Every Friday, the Honorable Imam Hossain Mohammad Salim engages with the community, inquiring about their well-being—whether they have enough food, if they are unable to receive medical treatment due to poverty, or if they lack shelter. He also addresses any complaints against higher authorities, ensuring they are resolved. Women are equally involved in Hezbut Tawheed's Jumma, where they too have the opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance from the Honorable Imam.