He is an ardent fighter for women's rights


He is an ardent fighter for women's rights.
He seeks the guidance of the great Creator.
He is the heartbeat of millions of people.
A man’s true strength lies not in his body, but in his mind and soul. An animal lacks a soul or intellect; its strength is in its muscles. Thus, it is natural for power to rule in the jungle. However, in our society, the policy of force has also been applied to women. Against this harmful practice of suppressing women by force, ‘Allah’s way of life’ has emerged. Allah’s Messenger involved women in every aspect of life. Through this, oppressed women were developed as human beings by true Islam.
Today, however, women are confined to their homes, rendered mute and deaf by distorted fatwas in the name of Islam. Western civilization, therefore, calls for the liberation of women by abandoning religion, but this too is merely a conspiracy to use women as commodities.
On one hand, women are imprisoned by the distorted veil system; on the other, their humanity is humiliated in the name of freedom. Islam has shown a path between these two extremes. Hezbut Tawheed is presenting this path to women. In this system, women will be able to demonstrate their competence and ability, work alongside men in all fields, and benefit from a safe working environment and society. Women will be present everywhere in society.
The Imam of Hezbut Tawheed is dedicated to building an ideal, women-friendly society where gender discrimination will not arise in any matter of rights, dignity, or empowerment. Already, such a harmonious society has been established within the environment of this movement.