
The Actual Concept of Islam

The Actual Concept (Aqida) of Islam


All Alems and Fakihs of this religion share the same opinion that Iman (faith) is useless if ‘Aqida’... Read more

Crossroads in Time

Crossroads in Time


We, the people think of ourselves as Mo’mens, Muslims and Ummat–e–Muhammadi, what is our history? Where have we come fro... Read more

The call of true Islam

Author : , 26 Jun, 2024;

The call of true Islam


To people, who are aware to even a minimum degree of what is happening around them in this world, it does not come as any surprise what pit... Read more

The author



The Emam-uz-zaman was born into the aristocrat family o... Read more

Jehad, Ketal and Terrorism

Jehad, Ketal, and Terrorism


From the time my books have been published, one thing that has been noticed is that a section of the so–called Muslim society ha... Read more

The Course of Action

The Course of Action


From the first Messenger of Allah, Adam (As) to the Seal of their line, Mohammad (SM), each and every Nabi or Rasul that Allah sent for the g... Read more

The effaced part of the Messenger's Life

Author : , 26 Jun, 2024;

The effaced part of the Messenger's Life

The true character of Islam is outwardly dynamic and extro... Read more

The special three

The special three


Among the people who did not join the expedition of Tabook were three Mo’men who were true, sincere but negligent. Let the expedition star... Read more

The Tabook

The Tabook


Now I shall deal with a very important subject. The subject, being the expedition to Tabook which took place in A.H. 09; no particular importance has b... Read more

The Ahzab (Khandak, Trench)

The Ahzab (Khandak, Trench)


Determined to crush and eliminate the Muslims once and for all the Qurayesh and other unbelieving forces mustered and organized a huge... Read more

The Process

The Process


Now we know what Tawheed is. Allah wants, expects this Tawheed from His vicegerent. The main, if not the only weapon, instrument, by which He can win... Read more


Author : , 25 Jun, 2024;



It is indisputable that the Deen-ul-Huq is founded on Tawheed. As there is no Islam without Tawheed, it is of the utmost importance. Unfortuna... Read more

Wrong Perverted Aqaed

Wrong Perverted Aqaed


It is stated and accepted throughout the Muslim world that, if the Aqidah of a person or a group of people or a nation is wrong, then his/he... Read more

The Reasons of the fall

The Reasons of the fall


Now the question is why, what are the reasons of this change into the present miserable condition of the population called Muslim? Accordi... Read more

Islam, its True Meaning

Islam, its True Meaning


Now a days, Islam is described as submission "to the will of Allah". There is another type of people who say, Islam means peace; by this i... Read more




Now that we know that the Deen (wrongly taught to be religion and which is actually a system to conduct all affairs of life, i.e. a Way of life) we see bei... Read more