The author

Oct 22, 2024
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The Emam-uz-zaman was born into the aristocrat family of the Panni's on March 11, 1925 (15 Shaban, Lailat ul Baraat), 27th of Falgun, at his maternal grandfather's house at Tangail and brought up in his village in Karatia. His formal education started in Rukaiya High Madrasa, named after his great aunt, wife of Janab Wajed Ali Khan Panni, founder of the Saadat University College in his village. After studying there for two years, he was transferred to the local high school, HN Institution named after his great grandfather Hafez Mahmud Ali Khan Panni under Calcutta (now Kolkata) University from where he passed his matriculation in 1942 (now SSC). After a brief period in the Saadat College, he was admitted at the Azizul Huq College at Bogra. After studying the first year there, he was again transferred to Islamia College now Moulana Abul Kalam Azad College in Kolkata where he finished his second year.
During that time, this sub-continent was in turmoil, politically and socially in its struggle for independence from the British rule. During his second year in Kolkata, which was a hot bed in this struggle, he got deeply involved in it. In this connection, he came in contact of Mahatma Gandhi, Quayede Azam Mohammad Ali  Jinnah, Aruvindu  Bose,  Shahid Sohrawardi, Moulana Sayeed Abul Ala Maududi and so on. Though the most prominent political parties in the struggle were Indian National Congress under the leadership of M.K.Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and the All India Muslim League under the leadership of M.A. Jinnah, he joined a smaller movement called "The Khaksaar Movement" of Allama Enayetullah Khan Al-Mashriqui. Although smaller than those two main parties, this organisation was also an All India Movement. Though he joined this movement as an ordinary member and a student, he soon rose to the position of Commander of the then East Bengal superseding many elder and older members.
He soon came under notice of the Leader of the movement Allama Mashriqui himself who selected him out of undivided India as one of the 96 (ninety-six) commanders, ‘Salar-e-Khas Hind’, (special commanders, India) for very special duties and assignments, he was only 22 years old then, just before the British left leaving India after partition.With the breakup of India and the creation of Pakistan, he came back to his village which was by then the East Pakistan, shed all ties with politics and lived a quiet life for sometime spending his time on and off in business ventures in which he mostly failed and hunting trips to different parts of the country. During this time, he wrote the book "Bagh-Bon-Bonduk" based on his big game hunting experiences, which was highly appreciated by common readers and acclaimed by famous critics. Since the beginning of Pakistan in 1947, the governments were trying to adjust themselves and fit into the democratic system politically but, since the system, which originated in the European society and evolved there and was imposed by the European rulers in Eastern countries where it did not suit the psyche of the people, nor the socio economic condition, it produced various kinds of problems and chaotic conditions for which frequent military interventions and takeovers occurred. In the mid 50's, he started studying in Homoeopathic medical treatment, got his degree of a qualified physician in 1957 and started medical practice in his home village. In 1963, he contested for Parliamentary by-election from Tangail-Bashail constituency vacated by his cousin Mr. Khurram Khan Panni who was appointed as ambassador of Pakistan. He was elected as an independent candidate for the East Pakistan Provincial Assembly defeating six other candidates including nominees of Awami League and Muslim League all of whom lost their security deposits for not getting required minimum votes. During his tenure, he became a member of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Besides this he was member of some sub-committees like Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Committee of Rule of Procedure, and Committee on Conduct of Members and Select Committee on Whipping Bill.
He lost the next election for various reasons one being changing his home constituency. After that, he left politics as he could not suit himself to the immorality and corruption in it and devoted himself to his medical practice. In 1963 he established Haider Ali Red-Cross Maternity and Child Welfare Hospital in his home village which is still providing services to all people of the surrounding areas. In 1969, at the age of 44, he got married to Mariam Suttar, from the Memon Community, of Kutch, Bombay whose family had migrated to this country. Three years after the demise of his wife in 1996, he married Khadiza Khatun of Munshigonje (Bikrampur).
Since a young age, the history of the Muslim nation left him baffled and many questioned unanswered in his mind. He could not equate between the undefeatable warriors of the early Islamic era and the Muslims he saw all around him. That was the time when most Muslim people were being ruled by various European nations militarily conquered and enslaved by them.
The contrast between the early history of this Muslim nation and the days he lived in was so great that, he wondered if they were the same people. The most powerful nation in the world economically and militarily and most advanced in education and all spheres of knowledge had become the most despicable on earth. He wondered what made the early people so great and what trait had they lost that degraded them to a people subjugated, enslaved and ruled by foreign powers, stricken by poverty and illiteracy despised and subject of contempt by other peoples of the world. Slowly, by the Grace of Allah he started getting answers to this enigma.
By the 1970's, the answer was crystal clear to him. He realized that, the thing that transformed the almost fully illiterate probably the poorest people in the world, steeped in endless quarrelling among themselves and completely ignored with contempt by other nations into what it became only within a few years into a world shaking power defeating the then two super powers, not one after another, but at a time and establishing a new civilization was a "Deen" (way of life, wrongly called religion today) brought by The Last Messenger of Allah.
He also realized that, a century after the departure of The Messenger of Allah, this Deen started becoming perverted and over the centuries, this perversion now had reached a point where it had no similarity with the original one except its outward look, the rituals etc. what is visible were the same. Its core is completely reversed, the very basis of it the Tawheed - the sovereignty of Allah is lost, the meaning of its Kalema changed, its aqida (comprehensive concept of its goal, the meaning of its existence) is perverted. When the reasons of the fall of this nation were clear to him, he wrote a book on it in Bangla "E Islam Islam-e Noy" (This Islam is not Islam at all) and published it in 1996. Naturally the present day "Mollas", the religious leaders of this present perverted Islam did not like the idea and started agitation against him with various kinds of adverse propaganda like; he was misguided, had become a Christian and started campaigns in masjids (mosques) with propagative speeches against him. They tried to arouse the common people against him, by spreading different types of lies which were absolutely baseless and irrelevant such as he took money from Christians and Jews, he and his followers prayed facing east, they used black shroud for their dead and buried them in sitting position and so forth, and much worse things. They declared him Kafer i.e. unbeliever. They approached the Home Ministry and pressurized it to banning the book and astonishingly the Ministry succumbed to the pressure and proscribed the book without asking for any explanations, nor even, informing the writer. In 1995, he started a movement, which he named as Hezbut Tawheed (Party of Tawheed), calling people to the real Islam. The movement lives on among us with his ideals even if he is no longer physically present anymore. The media, both print and electronic of this country indoctrined in their western ideology too is largely Islamophobic and thus contributed immensely in the propagation of branding Hezbut Tawheed as a militant extremist entity.
Being a poor organization, with little resources to counter the vile lies about the Hezbut Tawheed by the media and the "mollas", the one sided propaganda was logically able to portray the Hezbut Tawheed as a militant, terrorist and extremist movement, though it is on record that, there has not been a single instance of its members committing a crime or breaking a single law in its lifetime of 20 years. It appears that, the policy of the media and the mollas is that of Dr. Goebbels, the information and Propaganda Minister of Mr. Adolph Hitler which is "If you propagate a lie and keep on repeating it enough times, it gets accepted as truth by the people". The one sided relentless propaganda by the media and the mollas led to 460 cases being instituted against the members of the movement in the courts of law by the Police, though it has not been able to prove any law breaking on Hezbut Tawheed's side and except a few pending ones in each of the cases, the members have been proven innocent and the case dismissed by the judges.
In 1998, he wrote another book "Dajjal? The Judeo Christian Civilization!" in which he proved from Hadis and The Bible that, the Judeo Christian Civilization is The Dajjal as prophesied by The Last Messenger of Allah. It became the bestseller in 2008 in this country. Beside this, he has authored lesser writings like: · Islam er Prokrito Ruprekha, (The Outline of the True Islam) · Islamer Prokrito Salah (The Real Salah of Islam) · Jehad, Ketal, Shontrash (Struggle, Armed Fight & Terrorism) · Hezbut Tawheed er Lokho o Uddesho, (The Goal and Object of the Hezbut Tawheed)


1.Medicine: His patients include former president of Bangladesh, former-incumbent prime minister of Bangladesh, ministers, National poet Kazi Nazrul Islam.
2.Writing: Author of several books including one being the bestseller in the country (2008), His book Bagh Ban Banduk was included in the syllabus of Class
XII as rapid reading by the Education Board on recommendation of Shaheed Munir Chowdhury who was the editor of the East wing of the Pakistan Writer's Guild. Article writer in different newspapers on religion, politics and medicine
3.Rifle Shooting: Was selected for World Olympic 1954 in Melbourne, Australia as part of the Pakistan team.
4.Sports: He was an accomplished big game hunter, having hunted many dangerous animals like leopards, wild boars, python, crocodiles etc.
5.Politics: Member of East Pakistan Parliament (1963-65)
6.Social Work: Founder of Haider Ali Red-cross Maternity and Child Welfare Hospital, Saadat Welfare Foundation,
7.Culture: Lifetime member of Nazrul Academy.


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