The Course of Action

Oct 24, 2024
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The Course of Action


From the first Messenger of Allah, Adam (As) to the Seal of their line, Mohammad (SM), each and every Nabi or Rasul that Allah sent for the guidance of mankind has been sent with the one key-word – La Elaha illa Allah, there is none to be obeyed other than Allah i.e. the sovereignty of Allah. This has been followed by the name of the particular Nabi or Rasul declaring him to be a Messenger from Allah. Depending on the region, its climate, environment and other factors the codes, rules and regulations i.e. the Shariah have been different in the Deen brought by the different Messengers. Even the laws, penal codes, economic policies have been different in the Deen (ways of life) sent with the different Messengers. But the key-word, the foundation of the Deen (way of life) has not been different even for once. It was always been “La Elaha illa Allah” with every one of the one hundred and twenty four thousand Messengers.156 Every Messenger has been entrusted with the responsibility of bringing his people within the Deen based on the sovereignty of Allah. The last in the lineage of the Messengers, Mohammad (SM) bin Abdallah is our leader and we are his followers and Ummah.

The difference between our leader Mohammad (SM) and the other Messengers is that prior to him every Messenger was sent to a particular region of the earth, to a particular people for their guidance in a certain point of time in the process of evolution of mankind, and our leader was sent for the guidance of the whole mankind for all time to come. Allah said that He has sent His Messenger with the Guidance (Hedayah) and True Deen (way of life) to prevail it over all other ways of life.157 Here we can see that there are three subjects in these ayats. The first two, Hedayah and the Deen ul Huq, the True way of life based on the Hedayah i.e. the Tawheed are from Allah and the third subject, the job of prevailing these two over all other ways of life is the responsibility of the Messenger. Allah has sent Tawheed based true way of life through His Messengers but it is common sense that this Tawheed based true way of life is absolutely useless if it is not made effective in the life of mankind. That is why He entrusted His Messenger to accomplish it. As a constitution of a nation or state however excellent it is, is useless if it is not made effective in the people’s life, so sending His Messenger with the Deen based on the Tawheed, the sovereignty of Allah is also useless if it is not made effective in mankind’s life. That is why He entrusted His Messenger Mohammad (s.a.s) with the task of prevailing the Deen ul Huq over all other ways of life in the whole world, i.e. to make it effective in the life of mankind.

Hence, we can see that the full and complete Islam has two parts, the Deen ul Huq based on the Tawheed of Allah (Allah’s part) and prevailing it over all other Deens (the Messenger’s part). These parts are interdependent. The first part, Tawheed based Deen ul Huq is useless without the second part, effectiveness of it in the human life; also there would be no need of the second part if the first part is unavailable. Hence, both the parts are absolutely equally important, one is meaningless without the other.
We have seen that Allah has given the Tawheed based Deen ul Huq consisting of the Qur’an and entrusted His Messenger to prevail it on all other Deens, ways of life. Now the question is how would the Messenger accomplish the task? Has Allah given the great responsibility to His Messenger without telling him how to accomplish the mission and left him to think about ways and means to do it? No, He hasn’t. Allah is Sobhan i.e. He is faultless, does not make any mistake, has no shortcoming, has no defect or flaw, in short is not only perfect but ultimately and absolutely perfect. So it cannot be that He would order something but not inform or teach the ways and means of doing it. In the whole of the Qur’an nowhere Allah has ordered His Messenger or the Mo’mens (believers) anything which He has not explained how to go about. And most of these processes of how to accomplish them have been taught through the Messenger. For example, in the Qur’an Allah has ordered the Messenger and the Mo’mens to establish Salah, but has not said how to do it. It is through His Messenger that He informed the Mo’mens about the details of performing the Salah; standing in straight line facing the Qaba, reciting from the Qur’an, bowing down, prostration, straightening up, going down to Sajdah, sitting back, turning head to right and left etc. So when He ordered His Messenger to prevail this Deen-ul-Huq over all other ways of life in the world, He must have informed him how to accomplish this enormous responsibility. Of course Allah knew that the opposition and confrontation that His Messenger would face would be as big and serious as the task He has entrusted with. Has He taught His Messenger the policy and the process how to overcome the opposition and crush the confrontation? Yes, Allah has not failed to guide His Messenger with the policy and the process. This we find in a Hadis narrated by Abdallah ibn Omar (Ra) where the Messenger says, “I have been ordered to continue fighting against the peoples till they accept Allah as the only Elah (He, who is to be obeyed) and me as His Messenger.”158 That means the policy and the process is not preaching, arguing,  showing  people  the  superiority  of Deen-ul-Huq over other Deens, ways of life, by writing books, delivering lectures, by holding public meetings and processions, holding debating sessions, or by holding elections but by fighting. Was this policy and process for prevailing this Deen over all other Deens decided by the Messenger himself? No, it was not his own decision as he said, “I have been ordered.” Ordered by whom? Of course by none other than Allah Himself. So the policy and process of prevailing this Deen over all other Deens is fighting which is decided by Allah Himself. A look at the Messenger’s biography leaves no doubt that he has followed this policy and process meticulously. Besides making battle, fighting a Fard[159] (compulsory, mandatory) for the Mo’mens, the mention, order and urging to fight occurs over hundreds of times in the Qur’an, promising of forgiveness of all sins, small and big and entry into Jannah (paradise) without any accounting and reserving the greatest reward for the Shuhada (martyrs).

Allah has bestowed a course of action, an agenda based on this policy on His Messenger for prevailing the Deen over all others. He informed him that this course of action, this agenda must be the Tariqah (process) for establishing the Tawheed based Deen-ul-Huq over all other Deens. Again, a glance at his biography makes it evident that he has executed this agenda, this course of action given to him by his Lord to the letter throughout his life. Not only that, to ensure that his Ummah adopts no other Tariqah (procedure, process) other than this to accomplish the task of prevailing this Deen-ul-Huq over all others, he told his Ummah, “Allah has given me this Agenda and I give it to you.” He added, “He or those who deviates even a hand’s span from this course of action, this agenda consisting of five items, will untie the knot of Islam from his or their neck and necks. Albeit he or they repent and return to the fold of Islam.”160 History is witness that the Ummah, the Messenger of Allah left had followed the same procedure consisting of the five items as their departed leader in their Jehad (utmost struggle) to prevail this Deen over all others and succeeded in bringing about half of the then known world under the Deen-ul-Huq.

Unfortunately between 60-70 years after the departure of the Messenger from this world Eblis succeeded in perverting the correct Aqidah of Islam taught by Allah and His Messenger resulting in the Ummah’s forsaking and abandoning the Jehad (utmost struggle) and Qetal (armed fight) and hence the agenda. The Ummah did not realize that doing so they untied the knot of Islam, stepped out of the boundary of Islam and no longer remained Ummat-e-Mohammadi. It is common sense that when deviation of even a hand’s span means going out of the fold of Islam, the total abandoning of it must mean that it is impossible to remain a Muslim or a Ummat-e-Mohammadi in spite of performing establishing Salah (namaz), paying Zakah, performing Hajj or fasting in the month of Ramadan. This is what the Messenger of Allah meant when he said, “The Hayah (life span) of my Ummah is between 60-70 years.”161 Ignorantly this Hayah (life span) is understood today to be the individual life span of Ummat-e-Mohammadi which is like any other people, the Christians, the Jews, the Hindus, the Buddhists etc. In this Hadis the Messenger meant his Ummah as one unit and predicted that its life span (hayah) would be between 60-70 years after him. History shows that his Ummah, after him took up the responsibility of the Jehad (utmost struggle) to prevail this Deen over all others and continued it till 60-70 years. Then they abandoned  the  Jehad  and  ceased  to  be Ummat-e-Mohammadi. The Ummah was dead as predicted by its founder.

In the Qur’an Allah has warned the Mo’mens and Ummat-e-Mohammadi that, "If you abandon going out on expedition (Jehad for establishment of the Deen), I shall punish you severely and enslave you by other nation."162 It is history how His warning has come true. The once invincible Ummah started being defeated, humiliated in battle after battle by the enemies. Gradually the enemy militarily occupied the whole Muslim world from the shores of the Atlantic to the shores of the Pacific. Allah’s punishment of slavery by enemies has not ended; the present indirect slavery by the western powers is much more real and severe than the previous direct slavery.
As this Jehad (struggle) was abandoned between 60-70 years after the Messenger, so was the agenda, the course of action consisting of five items naturally. It remained as a Hadis among thousands of other Hadises. During the last thirteen hundred years this Hadis has been studied by millions of Alems (learned), Faqih (experts in jurisprudence), Mofasser (explainers and commentators of the Qur’an), Mohaddes (specialist in Hadis), Shayekhs (spiritual guides) besides students and common people. But none of them have been able to realize the special significance of this Hadis as the agenda, i.e. the tariqah the course of action consisting of five items given to His Messenger and consequently to the Ummah for prevailing this Deen over all others. In spite of all their learning and knowledge, it seems that Allah has not let them understand its significance because they had gone out of the bond of Islam by abandoning the second most important Amal (act) next to Iman itself.

During the last two centuries there have been many attempts to revive this Ummah in different parts of the Muslim world. These attempts have been made by both small and large groups of people like the Wahabi movement of Arabia, Jehad and Ekhwanul Muslimin (Brotherhood of Muslim) of Egypt, Jamayat e Islami of the Indian subcontinent, Islamic Salvation Front of Algeria, An-Nahda of Tunisia, Al Arkam of Malaysia, Jam’a Islamia, Darul Islam of Indonesia etc. However, because of the wrong, perverted Aqidah of these groups, Allah did not let them understand that to revive this Ummah to its original state and accomplish the task of His Messenger and the Ummah, that it is the only agenda, only course of action; tariqah none other will succeed. Hence the leaders of those groups of people, parties have devised their course of action, agenda themselves by using their learning, knowledge and experience resulting in every party or group having their own course of action and agenda and acting according to these. None have succeeded anywhere. Though some of them have been trying to do it for nearly a century. The reason of this failure is that all those agendas and course of action are result of human knowledge, not given by the All Knowing Allah. They are not being helped by Allah as they have not adopted the five itemized agenda made by and sent to His Messenger by Allah. Many of those parties, after failure to prevail this Deen anywhere have adopted the very ways and means of the enemy itself i.e. holding meetings, delivering speeches, leading processions, shouting slogans etc. Other parties, for the same reason,

i.e. failure in understanding the correct concept adopted another wrong process, in way of bombing tourist spots and buses raging into clashes with the security forces and agents of the enemy and making suicidal attacks here and there. Both these ways and processes are bound to fail as these will not be helped by Him. He will help only them who have adopted the five itemized agenda and course of action He has given to His Messenger and the Messenger in turn entrusted with his Ummah with.
After keeping the Ummah deprived (Mahroom) from five itemized agenda and the course of action for thirteen centuries for the great sin of abandoning Jehad (utmost struggle) and Qetal (armed fight) and disobedience, the Merciful Allah has revealed the real identity of the Hadis in my heart through elham. I came to understand this Hadis for what it is. Thankfulness to Him cannot be expressed even if I remain prostrate before Him for the rest of my life.



Many Hadises, even Sahih, correct have more than one version, because the same action or saying of the Messenger of Allah has been described by few or sometimes several different Companions. Several Sahabas, Companions have heard the Messenger of Allah speaking on a subject, when they told or discussed the subject later with others, naturally there have occurred some variances between them because of the difference of their individual power of understanding and memory. This is how sometimes one single Hadis has got several versions. It has so happened that a Sahaba has forgotten a part of a Hadis and another has remembered the full of it. So one is complementary to another and both have been taken as Sahih if the Sanad is correct. The Hadis we are discussing similarly has a few versions showing some little variations. The main subject i.e. the five items are absolutely the same. In one version the Messenger says, “I am entrusting you with responsibility of five duties.”163 In another version the Messenger of Allah says, “Allah has entrusted me with responsibility of five duties and I am entrusting you with the same responsibility of five items.”164 “Allah has entrusted me with responsibility of five duties” is additional to the other words. Secondly, it has been said in one version that he who would call people towards something of the time of ignorance (Aiyame Jaheliyah), he would be the fuel of fire of the Hell even if he believes himself to be a Muslim and says his prayers (Salah, Namaz) and fasts (during the month of Ramadan).165 In another version only the fasting (of Ramadan) is mentioned, saying of prayers (Salah, Namaz) has not been mentioned. Now we must naturally accept that version in which the Messenger has said that, “Allah has entrusted me with responsibility of five duties” and the version in which both Salah and Saom have been mentioned, because it is possible that a Sahaba (Companion) may have forgotten a part of what the Messenger has said, but it is impossible that a Companion would add something from himself what the Messenger had not said, that would be lying about the Messenger of Allah. If we follow this policy the different versions of this Hadis takes the following form:-
The Messenger of Allah has said– Allah has entrusted me with responsibility of five duties and I am entrusting you with the same responsibility of five items. These are:-
1.Be united,
5.Struggle in the way of Allah
Anyone who moves away even a hand’s span distance from this bond of agenda unties the knot of Islam from his neck until he repents and returns into the fold of it. He who would call people towards something of the time of ignorance (Aiyame Jaheliyah), he would be the fuel of fire of the Hell even if he believes himself to be a Muslim and says his prayers (Salah, Namaz) and fasts (during the month of Ramadan).166

Now let us try to understand these five points, the course of action (tariqah) for the establishment of the Deen that Allah gave to His Messenger, which the Messenger executed throughout his life and entrusted his Ummah with before returning to the presence of Allah.

First duty—be united. One of the basic truths of the creation is that unity is more powerful and stronger than disunity. Ten persons united are stronger than hundred disunited persons. A nation may be powerful economically and militarily with enough arms and weapons and still be defeated by a much smaller, less equipped but strongly united and disciplined nation in a conflict. This truth is eternal even for a nation, a state, a party, a group of people and even for a family. A huge task like establishing the Deen (the way of life) founded on the sovereignty of Allah is not possible without unity. That is why Allah in His Qur’an has laid so much importance on unity. He has ordered the Mo’mens (believers) to hold on to the rope of Allah unitedly and has ordered not to be disunited.167 He has also ordered to fight against the enemy unitedly like a wall of molted lead.168 It is to be noted that even a needle cannot be inserted into a wall of molted lead. Allah has warned severely about those people whose action or speech harms the unity of the nation. His Messenger has classed any and every action or speech which causes disunity in the nation as Kufr (unbelief).


Second duty—listen. The nation which has been entrusted with the responsibility of making the Deen ul Huq (the true Deen) victorious, prevalent over all other Deens, ways, systems of life by overcoming all obstacles and resistances must naturally always be alert and conscious about its duties. Its people, engaged though they remain in earning the livelihood and other tasks must remain alert about what decisions are being taken by their leaders. This includes consciousness, alertness and discipline without which the alertness will be of no avail.


Third duty — obey. This means obedience to the leader, obedience to the commands and orders of the leader to the letters without any question and hesitation. The unity (number one) will be rendered useless and ineffective if the obedience is not as full and complete. This order to obey has come from both Allah and His Messenger equally and strongly. Allah in His Qur’an has directly ordered the Mo’mens to obey Allah, His Messenger and the immediate commander.169 Obedience must be like going to Ruku (bowing-down), straightening up, going to Sajdah (prostration) and turning heads for salam in Salah on Takbir (orders) of the Emam (leader). In fact, this obedience is one of the main teachings, trainings and practicing of obedience of the Salah. In this chain of command Allah has not differentiated between His own command, His Messenger’s orders and the order of a person’s immediate commander. The Messenger also has confirmed it by saying, “He who obeys me, obeys Allah. He who doesn’t obey me, doesn’t obey Allah; he who obeys his commander obeys me, and he who doesn’t obey his commander disobeys me.170 He has also ordered his followers that, “You shall obey your commander even if he is a Negro slave with little brain whose ears have been cut off (for some offence).”171 He has also said that, “You must obey the orders of your commander without hesitation even if it seems to you that the order is wrong. If the order is wrong the commander will be responsible, not you.”172 These teachings of Allah and His Messenger were reflected in the obedience of Khaled bin Walid (Ra) leaving the position of the commander in chief of the Muslim army without a question on order of Omar (Ra) and in the obedience of Mohammad bin Kasem to the unjust order of the then Umayah Khalifah Solayman by surrendering his post of commander in chief of the army and returning to Baghdad as a prisoner where he was actually killed.

Fourth duty—Hejrat (migrate). Due to perverted Aqidah (correct conception of the true meaning of Islam and its goal) it is difficult to understand or to make others to understand the true meaning of Hejrat. When the Makkans under the leadership of the Qurayesh rejected the Messenger of Allah’s call to Tawheed, Allah directed him to leave Makkah and migrate to Yathrib with his followers. This is called Hejrat which means to separate oneself from a particular atomsphere, location or migrate. The Hejry calendar starts from this event. Question may arise as to, why the Hejrat has been included in the modus operandi by Allah. Why the Ummah must perform the Hejrat when struggling to establish the Deen-ul-huq an act which the Messenger of Allah had to perform due to particular circumstance. There is good reason for it.
The word Hejrat does not only mean to migrate from one place to another. Concise Encyclopedia of Islam[173] states the meaning of the word Hejrat as-- i) to cut off connection, ii) to forsake an association, iii) To migrate from one place to another. Those who understood the Messenger’s call to Tawheed disassociated themselves from those who rejected his call and formed a society and brotherhood centering the Messenger of Allah. By doing this they fulfilled the first two requisites of Hejrat. They cut themselves off from the disbelieve of Tawheed and disbelievers, idol worshippers. Later obeying the Messenger of Allah they migrated to Yathreb and thus fulfilled the Hejrat. In short Hejrat means disassociating and cutting off from anything Gayrullah and Tagoot (worshipping i.e. serving any deity other than Allah and obeying any authority, people or king or dictators etc. other than Him). After conquering Makkah the necessity of third kind of Hejrat was gone. But other two kinds of Hejrat remained and remain today and will remain till the End. In course of time whenever the Deen ul Huq (the true  way  of  life)  will  deviate  from  the Serat-ul-Mustaqeem, will be perverted due to enticement of the Eblis and the majority of the people go astray, the necessity of performing the Hejrat will reappear and the people whom Allah will bless with Hedayah (the Guidance) will have to perform the Hejrat like the Messenger and his companions; which means cutting off, disassociating from the wayward majority. The need of this Hejrat will never end. The role of Hezbut Tawheed today is similar to the role of the small band of followers of the Messenger of Allah among the majority of Arabs who believed in Allah worshipped Him facing the Qa’ba performed yearly hajj, in the month of Zillhajj, went around the Qa’ba (Tawaaf) loudly proclaiming “Allahumma Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, La Sharika Laka ” (Here I am, Oh Allah before you, you have no partners); as it is proclaimed even today, observed fasting during Ramadan and even performed circumcision as taught by the Messenger of Ebrahim (A.S.) and yet were Moshreks.174 As the true Ummah of the Messenger of Allah Hezbut Tawheed is calling this populace who believes in Allah and yet is Moshrek towards the all embracing Tawheed. Hezbut Tawheed in its effort to become true Ummat-e-Mohammadi has left worshipping and all other acts of faith with the Moshrek populace as the Messenger and his followers did 1400 years before. Otherwise the Messenger’s Sunnah will be abandoned and hence there will be no help from Allah in the Jehad (struggle) to prevail this Deen over all others.

The Messenger of Allah said, “Hejrah will not end till Tawbah (to repent) ends and Tawbah will not end till the sun rises from the place of its setting (i.e. west).”175 One of the signs of the Days before the Resurrection is rising of the sun from the west. After that no repentance will be accepted. This means the need of Hejrah will remain till the Day of resurrection as will be the case with Jehad for prevailing the Deen over others.176

The fifth and the last duty-Jehad, the all out struggle and endeavor to prevail the Deen ul Huq (the true way of life) over all other ways, systems. The purpose of the first four duties is the success of the fifth one. The fifth cannot be performed successfully without the previous four. Without the unity discipline, obedience and Hejrah, the Jehad (struggle) the fifth one cannot be successful. The first four is like a chain. The stronger it is the more chances of the fifth one being successful, and a chain is as strong as its weakest link.

After entrusting his Ummah with this five itemized agenda, the Messenger of Allah said, “Anyone who moves away even a hand’s span distance from this bond of agenda unties the knot of Islam from his neck until he repents and returns into its fold. He who would call people towards something of the time of ignorance (Aiyame Jeheliyah), he would be the fuel of fire of the Hell even if he believes himself to be a Muslim and says his prayers (Salah, Namaz) and fasts (during the month of Ramadan).177 In the Qur’an Allah has addressed the Arabs of the Messenger's time, as Moshreks and Kafers. Because they deviated from the Tawheed taught by Ebrahim (As) and they lived their collective lives according to the directions of the Qurayesh, the guardians of the Qaba, the House of Allah. Likewise this population today which believes itself  to  be  Mo’men,  Muslim  and Ummat-e-Mohammadi has deviated from the real Tawheed and conduct their collective affairs, political economic, educational, legal even partially social life as taught by the Jews and Christians. This means that there is no difference between those Arabs of Aiyame Jaheliah (the days of ignorance) and the populace which believes themselves to be Mo’men, Muslim and Ummat-e-Mohammadi today. As far as the question of the Arab’s worshipping idols I have earlier explained the matter where I have said that the Sherk (polytheism) and Kufr (disbelief) of today’s Muslim populace is much worse than those of the idol worshipping Arabs. If today a group or a party of men and women somehow understand by the Grace of Allah the real purpose and goal of this Ummah i.e. their Aqidah becomes right and struggles (Jehad) to make other people understand it basing their activities on the five itemized agenda, they would be rightly guided (Muhtadun). Now if any person be it among this guided ones or from among the masses says that the world’s economic system is based on interest; it will not be pragmatic to do away with it outright. So let us leave it as it is temporarily till the time when it would be proper to abolish it. Then that person will be fuel of the Jahannam (hell) notwithstanding if he believes himself to be a Muslim and establishes regular Salah (prayers) and observes fasting during the whole month of Ramadan. Same thing is applicable to all other Gayrullah and Taghut worshipping i.e. serving (any deity other than Allah and obeying any authority, people or king or dictators etc. other than Him).

Considered carefully this five itemized agenda is very similar to a military agenda. All military organization’s basic principles are similar to the five itemized agenda except the fourth one i.e. Hejrah. Even this is partially practiced in way of the military personnel living in cantonments and barracks separated and isolated from the rest of the nation where their lifestyle is very different and where there is no trace of democracy. In my book “Aei Islam Islam ei noy—(this Islam is no Islam)” I have written that, the Ummah (nation) the Messenger of Allah built on His direction was more of a military force than an Ummah. The Ummah within a span of just nine years fought 78 battles, almost everyone became invincible warriors; everyone including its leader bore scars from wounds of battles on his body. What other name can be given to such an Ummah other than an army or a super army? The five itemized agenda prepared by Allah and given to His Messenger vindicates my writings.

Allah in His infinite mercy has given mankind a five itemized Deen (1.Tawheed, 2.Salah, 3.Zakah, 4.Hajj, 5.Saom) so that mankind can live in absolute security, justice, righteousness, happiness and contentment, all told which means peace (Islam). Only making this Deen effective on the way of life of mankind will make this peace (Islam) possible, nothing else, no ism, no cracy, as it can be seen today in the world. The world is full of insecurity, injustice, wrongs, unhappiness, cruelty, treachery, tyranny and the system given by Allah, the Deen ul Huq (the true way of life) is totally absent in today’s world. So to make the five itemized Deen ul Huq effective in mankind’s life Allah has given His Messenger a same five itemized agenda [1. Steel like unity, 2. (Alertness) Discipline, 3. Unquestioned obedience, 4. Hejrah, 5. (All out) Struggle to make it victorious over all other Deens]. Since not being effective in mankind’s way of life renders the Deen ul Huq (the true way of life) useless, the importance of executing the five itemized agenda is as important as the Deen ul Huq itself. To understand this two five itemized matters better I am giving a comparative diagram below.

1. Hedayah and the True Deen 2. Hedayah and Establishing the True
He has sent forth His Messenger with Hedayah (Guidance)  and  the Deen-ul-Huq (true system of life)  so that he may prevail it above all other Deen (systems of life).178
The true believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger and never doubt; and fight for His cause with their wealth and lives.179
V.Saom I.Be united
V.Struggle for Allah’s Cause

 The number (1) diagram is the basis of the Deen ul Huq and the number (2) diagram is the agenda or process of prevailing it, i.e. making it effective over all other ways of life. The number (1) diagram (Deen ul Huq) is absolutely useless if the number (2) diagram is absent and there is no need of diagram (2) if there is no diagram 1. So it is clear that these two diagrams are interdependent and hence of equal importance.

None can remain a Mo’men or a Muslim by denying or rejecting any of the five items of the 1st diagram. Similarly one will be thrown out of the realm of Islam (untying the knot of Islam from one’s neck means shifting out of the realm of Islam and become a Kafer) who moves away even a hand’s span from the five itemized agenda and one who would suggest some other agenda than this would be fuel of the fire of Jahannam even if he believes himself to be a Muslim [i.e. he believes in Allah, His Messenger, the Book Qur’an, the Day of Judgment, the Angels, the Jannat and Jahannam (paradise and hell) and all that is necessary to believe to be a believer], and perform the daily prayers and fasts during the month of Ramadan.

60/70 years after the Messenger of Allah the Jehad (utmost struggle) to prevail the Deen ul Huq (the true way, system of life) over all other ways, systems was forsaken by the impostors who called themselves Khalifahs (Caliphs), this five itemized agenda prepared by Allah Himself was also abandoned and forgotten. It remained just as a Hadis among thousands of other Hadis in the books. It lost its special significance as a tariqah, something created and prepared by Allah Himself and given to His Messenger as a process of accomplishing the responsibility given to him in the end part of Ayat no.28 of Sura Fatah, Ayat no.9 of Sura Saff, and Ayat no.33 of Sura Tawbah. Naturally so, because when the very Jehad (utmost struggle) was forsaken the previous four requirements for it were of no use.

The no.1 item of diagram 1, the Tawheed has become meaningless because at present the meaning of the word Elah has been changed from its real meaning which is ‘He who is to be obeyed’ to ‘He who is to be worshipped (Ma’bud)’, the meaning of the Kalema itself which is the very foundation of Islam. The result of this change has been disastrous. The populace which called itself Muslims now disobeys Allah in all the spheres of its collective life, the political, legal, economic, social and obeys and practices the Judeo-Christian systems and has confined itself in matters of personal worshipping and some insignificant rituals, in short—disobeying Him. So it is clear now that both the figures, 1 and 2, which contain the total true Islam is non existent in the world. Allah and His Messenger expect and want that the Ummah remains united under an Emam (leader)[180] and struggles for prevailing this Deen ul Huq over all others. The Messenger of Allah has said, “He who dies without pledging himself to the Emam of his time, dies the death of days of ignorance i.e. of a Kafer or Moshrek.”181

Question is, where to get united after rejecting and forsaking the sherk (obeying several or many Elah) and Kufr (disbelief) and accepting Allah as only one to be obeyed and worshipping[182] only Him? There are many organizations, parties, groups even movements etc. in the Muslim world today that are trying to establish the Deen-ul-Islam. Every one of them has got a Tarika (process or agenda of work) to achieve their purpose. These Tarikas are prepared by the leader or leaders of respective organizations i.e. are creation, product of human intellect, knowledge, experience etc. None of them have been successful so far anywhere in the world though they have been trying from last several centuries. Even if some organizations have been successful to establish the rule of the present perverted form of Islam for a short time, these have not been able to withstand the onslaught of the enemies and have been routed. There has come no help from Allah as promised by Him many times in His Qur’an for Mo’mens. For the simple reason that the Deen they want established was not the true Deen ul Huq hence the process, the agenda was prepared and executed by themselves and not by Allah. Again a question may be that if these organizations abandon their Tarika and adopt the Tarika given by Allah, should one join any of them? The answer is—no. The reason is the Islam practiced by this populace that calls and believes themselves  to  be  Mo’men,  Muslims  and Ummat-e-Mohammadi is not the true Deen ul Huq, Islam Allah sent to mankind through His last Messenger. Due to their wrong Aqidah Allah has not blessed them with the Tarikah prepared by Himself. That the Hezbut Tawheed’s Aqidah and Islam is correct is proved by the fact that the Ar Rahmanur Rahim Allah (Merciful and Beneficent Allah) has blessed me and the Hezbut Tawheed with the understanding of the process (Tariqah) at the inception through a miraculous incident, a programme which He had prepared Himself for His last Messenger and his Ummah.

In case, I have not been able to put before the readers convincingly the fact that, to make the Hedayah and Deen ul Huq prevail over all other Deens (ways of lives) is as important as the Hedayah and Deen ul Huq itself, I am quoting ayah no: 39 of surah Tawbah of the Quran in which Allah is warning us the Mo’mens in this way, “If you do not go forth (for fight to establish the Deen), He will punish you grievously and place another people in your stead (that means enslave you by other nations). You can in no way harm Him. Allah has power over all things.” Here, Allah is threatening the Mo’mens with “severe punishment and replacing them with other nations, i.e. enslaving the Momems by their enemies, if they abandon the Jehad, (allout struggle)” for making this Deen ul Huq prevailent over all other Deens. This clearly indicates that if the Mo’mens abandon this struggle then, Allah does not consider them as Mo’mens, i.e. believers anymore. Which automatically makes them Kafers & Mushreqs (disbelievers and polytheists), because Allah will not punish and enslave Mo’mens by their enemies. Nowhere in the Quran He has said that, He will punish Mo’mens, rather, every time He has mentioned Mo’mens, He has promised forgiveness, great rewards and Jannah. In ayah no 43 of Sura Ahzab Allah says, “He it is Who sends Salât on you, and His angels too, that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And He is Ever Most Merciful to the believers.” Can Allah punish those on whom He along with His innumerable Malaeks (Angels) keep sending down blessings and peace? Obviously not! This proves that, in His eyes those who abandon the Jehad (utmost struggle) for making this Deen prevail are not believers and hence, are Kafers and Moshreks for whom, He has promised severe punishments. In one Hadis the Messenger of Allah says, “the honour of a Mo’men to Allah is higher than that of His house Ka’aba”. Moreover, there is no offense in the whole of the Quran for which He has promised severe punishment and enslavement by enemies i.e. in fact expulsion from Islam except the denial of Kalemah, i.e. denying the sovereignty of Allah. Allah has not promised this punishment to even those who forsake salah, not for who forsake Zakah, saom or Hajj, the pillars of Deen-ul Huq. For the simple reason that these are all of no avail if the Hedayah and Deen ul Huq is not made to prevail and effective in mankind’s life.

That Allah is true to His promise is proven by the historical fact that, after this ummah forsook and abandoned the Jehad (the utmost struggle) and the Khalifas (Caliphs) turned into kings and emperors and started enjoying the vast area on earth conquered by Mo’mens, Mujaheds, the Ummat-e-Muhammadi at the cost of lives, blood and sacrifices of their worldly positions, He had defeated and enslaved this ummah by the Christian European nation-states. The vast area from the shores of Atlantic to the shores of the Pacific was fully conquered by the Christian nations and ruled by them except the Central Arabia where His own House and the Holy tomb of His Last Messenger are situated. The once conqueror of half of the world would have been unable to protect even these had the conquering Christian nations decided to invade the territory. It seems that, Allah Himself protected this area for the sake of His own House and His Last Messenger’s tomb. This enslavement of this populace which considers and believes itself to be Mo’mens (believers) Muslims (people submissive to Allah) and Ummat-e-Muhammadi (nation of Muhammad S.M.) which in reality is none of them is lasting even today though the Christian rulers’ direct rule is not present. The present enslavement includes, unlike before of heart and soul.



156 Qur’an- Sura Ambia- 25
157 Qur’an, Surah Taubah-33, Saff-9, Fatah-28
158 Hadith- Abdallah ibn Omar (Ra) --Bukhari
159 Qur’an- Sura Baqara, Ayat-216
160 Hadith- Al-Hares al Ash’ari (Ra)—Ahmad, Tirmizee, Bab-ul-Emarat, Meshkat
161 Hadith, Tirmizee, Ibn Majah, From Abu Horairah (ra)
162 The Qur’an, Sura Tawbah-39
163 Hadith- Al-Hares al Ash’ari (Ra)—Ahmad, Tirmizee.
164 Hadith—Ahmad, Bab-ul-Emarat, Meshkat
165 Hadith—Al-Hares al Ash’ari (Ra)—Ahmad, Tirmizee.
166 Hadith—Al-Hares al Ash’ari (Ra)—Ahmad, Tirmizee, Bab-ul-Emarat, Meshkat
167 The Qur’an, Sura Al Emran-103
168 The Qur’an, Sura Saff-4
169 Sura Nesa -59
170 Hadith, Bukhari from Abu Hurairah (ra.)
171 Hadith, Bukhari from Anas (ra.)
172 Hadith, Muslim from Al Hadrami (ra)
173 Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh, Vol-2, page- 560-561
174 Yusuf 106

175 Hadith, Musnad-e Ahmad ibn Humbal, Abu Daud, Darimi, from Muabiah (ra)
176 Hadith
177 Hadith—Al-Hares al Ash’ari (Ra)—Ahmad, Tirmizee, Bab-ul-Emarat, Meshkat
178 Qur’an, Surah Taubah-33, Saff-9, Fatah-28
179 Qur’an, Sura Huzrat 15
180 The Qur’an, Sura Saff-4
181 Hadith, Musnad-e Ahmad ibn Humbal, from Muabiah (ra), 4th Volume, Page-96
182 See chapter “The Real Ebadat in the book “Dajjal? The Judeo Christian ‘Civilization’!

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