The Five-Point Modus Operandi of Hezbut Tawheed

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Feb 24, 2025
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The true religion that the last Messenger of Allah (sm) preached and established has been gradually distorted over the past 1,400 years and has now been transformed into a ritual-based belief that is the exact opposite of what it originally was. Although this current version of Islam may appear similar to the Islam of Allah's Messenger outwardly, in character and spirit, it is quite the opposite. The true Islam brought by the last Messenger granted freedom and liberation to people, eradicated injustice and oppression, established absolute security in society, and removed economic disparities. But today, that Islam is no longer with us. The Islam we practice today, which is limited to prayers and fasting, is not yielding any positive results in our collective lives.


In this situation, if the Muslim nation wishes to stand tall again on the world stage, live with honor, regain peace and prosperity, and enter paradise after death, then we must return to the true Islam preached and established by the Messenger of Allah (sm). The true ideals of Islam, as presented by the Messenger of Allah (sm), have been revealed to humanity by the founder of Hezbut Tawheed, Emamuzzaman Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni.


A crucial question arises here: What is the method provided by Allah for establishing His true religion? Allah has provided a complete way of life, and it is impossible for humans to create a program to establish it. Surely, Allah Himself has provided the correct method for establishing this true religion. The details of this divine modus operandi can be found in several Hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (sm). He said: "I command you to do five things, which Allah has commanded me to do. They are: be united, listen (to the leader's command), obey (that command), perform Hijrah, and strive in the way of Allah. Whoever deviates even a hand span from this bond of unity has surely removed the rope of Islam from around their neck—unless they return (repent). And whoever calls towards the era of ignorance, even if they believe themselves to be a Muslim, perform prayers, and observe fasting, will certainly become fuel for the fire of Hell [Narrated by Al-Harith Al-Ash'ari (RA) and recorded by Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Bab al-Imarat, Mishkat]."


Explanation of the Five-Point Method Given by Allah


First Point: Unity


No goal can be achieved without unity. A nation or state, no matter how strong in wealth, manpower, or militarymodus operandi power, cannot achieve its objectives if it is not united. Even a small, united force can triumph over a larger, disunited one; this is a natural law. For this reason, the first command in Allah's program for establishing His true religion is to be united.


In the Holy Qur'an, Allah repeatedly emphasizes the importance of strong unity. In Surah Al-Imran, verse 103, He commands, "Hold firmly to the rope of Allah (guidance, religion) all together and do not become divided." In Surah As-Saff, verse 4, Allah says, "Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure." The Messenger of Allah (sm) has declared that actions and words that threaten the unity of the Ummah, such as disagreements and backbiting, are equivalent to disbelief (kufr).


Second Point: Listening (to the Leader's Command)


modus operandi; Listening means always being alert and attentive. This vigilance applies to two areas: first, always being alert to the leader’s orders, ready to execute them immediately; and second, maintaining strict discipline among themselves. The Messenger of Allah (sm)(sm) formed a nation that was not chaotic and did not live life as they pleased. Instead, they lived a disciplined life, always alert and attentive to the leader's commands. The importance of this discipline is emphasized repeatedly in both the Qur'an and Hadith.


Third Point: Obedience (to the Leader's Command)


One of the most crucial aspects of the program is obedience. In this religion, obedience means following a command immediately upon hearing it without the slightest hesitation. Obedience is the backbone of any family, group, or nation. Where there is no obedience, failure is inevitable. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty has addressed the believers: "Obey Allah, obey His Messenger, and obey those among you who have authority i.e. your immediate commander (Surah An-Nisa 59)." The Messenger of Allah (sm) mentioned in several Hadiths that believers must obey their commander, even if a person with a small brain, missing an ear, or a black slave is appointed as a leader, the Messenger of Allah (sm) has ordered them to obey him.


Fourth Point: Hijrah


The term "Hijrah" does not merely mean leaving one's country; rather, it encompasses severing ties, abandoning a group, or migrating from one’s homeland to another (Concise Islamic Encyclopedia, Volume II, pp. 560-61, Islamic Foundation). When the Messenger of Allah (sm) emerged among the polytheistic Arabs and called for true Tawheed (monotheism), those who joined him performed Hijrah by separating themselves from the shirk (polytheism) and kufr (disbelief) of the Arabs. They conducted business and socialized with the polytheists but severed their ties with them spiritually, abandoned their group, stopped worshipping with them, and formed a separate society and brotherhood centred around the Messenger of Allah (sm) based on Tawheed. Thirteen years later, they performed the ultimate Hijrah by migrating from Mecca to Medina. After moving to Medina, they no longer needed to leave their land, but their spiritual severance from kufr (disbelief) and shirk (polytheism) remained constant. For those who believe in the true religion brought by the Messenger of Allah (sm), it is obligatory to perform Hijrah by abandoning the unjust, oppressive, and false systems of life.


Fifth Point: Striving in the Way of Allah (Jihad)


The final point of this five-point program given by Allah is to strive or engage in Jihad in the way of Allah. The Lord of the universe, Allah, has gifted humanity with the true Deen (Complete Way of Life) through His Messenger, which will never establish itself on its own. Rather, believers must strive to establish this religion. Until his passing, the Messenger of Allah (sm) engaged in this struggle for the establishment of truth along with his companions. After his departure, his companions and the generations that followed continued this struggle. Even today, if any group or community believes themselves to be the Ummah of the Messenger of Allah (sm), it is obligatory for them to continue this struggle. This struggle for the establishment of truth can take various forms. Inviting someone to Islam, continuing this invitation despite numerous oppositions, explaining the greatness of this true religion to people verbally, in writing, through poetry or songs, and in some cases, conducting armed struggle—all these are included in Jihad or struggle.


Based on the authentic Hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (sm), this five-point program has been adopted as the operational program of the Hezbut Tawheed movement. This modus operandi, which had lost its significance amid meticulous analysis and endless fatwas concerning the religion within the Muslim Ummah, has regained its rightful status through the efforts of Hezbut Tawheed.

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