The Reasons of the fall

Oct 24, 2024
visibility 533 Read

The Reasons of the fall


Now the question is why, what are the reasons of this change into the present miserable condition of the population called Muslim? According to the Creator of the Universe, this populace is supposed to be the best. Not only that, this populace is promised the authority in this world by Him, none of these is present.

The clear and basic reason of this is that, this populace- no longer a Nation- is neither Mu'men nor Muslim and far from being the Ummat-e- Muhammadi, it is supposed to be and as it claims to be. The Islam, which was sent to mankind by Allah through His last Messenger and the present day Islam, is not only two entirely different things but these are two contradictory opposite things. These two look more or less alike, but inside these are different and opposite things. It is like a person you knew many years before as an honest, god fearing gentleman whom you could trust in any circumstance and you meet him after long years who for some reasons, some occurrences in his life has formed into an Atheist, vile and corrupt person. You would recognize him as the same person from his outward look and appearance but who has changed into not only a different but entirely opposite person. Or as an example, two trees looking alike, its leaves branches are more or less the similar, but the trees bear entirely two different kinds of fruits; one sweet, delicious and the other bitter offensive fruits. Now can these two trees be the same kind just because they look alike?

This is what has happened to the Deen (system or/code of life) that has been sent to mankind to live by, to conduct our lives; personal and collective lives as dictated by the Creator Himself. Through the centuries, the Deen has slowly changed like the man I have mentioned, who is more or less similar to his old self to look at, but his soul has died and his character has changed completely and now he is an entirely different person inside. Yet the Deen-e-Huq that the last Messenger established in Arabia, and which his immediate followers spread over half of the then world and the present day deen is taken to be the same one, the same tree though like the two trees I have mentioned behind, these two trees bearing entirely different fruits.

These are three basic reasons of this unfortunate state. The very first one is wrong perverted Aqaed, secondly the misconception about Tawheed and finally misunderstanding about Ebadat.

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