In the Holy Qur'an, Allah has mentioned the purpose of commissioning the final Messenger (PBUH) in at least three verses. He says, “It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the complete way of life (Deen-ul-Haqq) to make it prevail over all man-made ways of life.” (Surah At-Tawbah 33, Surah Al-Fath 28, Surah As-Saff 9).
The term Hidayah refers to divine guidance. The right guidance sent by Allah is a commitment to following only His commands and rejecting all other forms of authority. Deen-ul-Haqq encompasses the necessary laws and regulations that provide solutions for all aspects of human life, including personal, familial, social, political, economic, judicial, state, military, and spiritual matters—essentially forming a complete way of life. The foundation of the way of life given by Allah is Hidayah—the principle that “There is no authority to legislate except Allah.”
If this way of life is not implemented in people's lives, then its revelation becomes meaningless. Therefore, Allah has repeatedly commanded the establishment of Deen in the Holy Qur'an (Surah Ash-Shura 13). Allah has also specified, in hundreds of verses, the method for establishing Deen, which is Jihad and Qital—struggle and warfare. In following Allah’s command, the Messenger (PBUH) declared, “I have been commanded to fight against mankind until they accept Allah as the sole lawgiver.” (Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Umar in Bukhari). To fulfill this command of establishing Deen, the Messenger (PBUH) dedicated his entire life to relentless struggle, unimaginable sacrifices, and battles. He engaged in at least 78 battles.
Therefore, in summary, the purpose of establishing Deen is to eliminate all forms of injustice, oppression, conflict, bloodshed, and disorder from human life, and to establish justice, fairness, equality, human rights, and, in one word, peace (Islam). The purpose of the Messenger’s (PBUH) arrival was to establish this Deen globally through ultimate struggle (Jihad), as he is the last Messenger of Allah until the end of time. When Deen is established, peace will prevail in the world, and through this, Allah will triumph over Iblis in their eternal challenge. It will also prove that mankind is indeed the best of creation. This will validate Allah’s command to the angels to prostrate before Adam. Those who have faith in Allah and engage in righteous deeds to establish His victory are declared by Him as the best of creation (Surah Al-Bayyinah 7). Allah has also promised them the forgiveness of all their sins and entry into Paradise (Surah As-Saff 12).
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