The Reign of Slavery is Terrifying

Mar 10, 2025
visibility 536 Read

The Reign of Slavery is Terrifying


Now, a few words on sovereignty. Earlier, it was mentioned that the Ummah of Muhammad was created for a single purpose: to establish this final religion, this way of life, through complete struggle. Unfortunately, midway through this struggle, they forgot their purpose and abandoned the fight, rendering their existence meaningless. Without a purpose, division and submission to once-defeated enemies ensued, leading to their enslavement. This slavery is proof that they are no longer true believers, Muslims, or the Ummah of Muhammad, as such submission is impossible for true believers.


After centuries of this slavery, due to special circumstances, the Ummah seemingly and partially freed itself from servitude. This partial liberation was because the Western overlords left power in the hands of a class they had carefully educated. These new rulers adopted the systems of their former masters, excluding monarchy. The new rulers failed to understand that denying Allah's sovereignty is an act of disbelief.


Hence, they embraced the secular systems of the West, continuing to live in the illusion of being Muslims while following a way of life that denied Allah's sovereignty. Their teachers had taught them that God and religion were purely personal matters, having no place in national political, economic, diplomatic, social, or administrative affairs.


The Blindness of Present Muslim Leadership


Today's Muslim leadership, blinded by their inferiority complex, is leading their nations towards economic development as the sole aim of human life. This materialistic view of life is learned from their Western masters, believing that the ultimate goal is to work hard, earn, and enjoy life, then die when life ends. These leaders do not understand that the purpose of a true believer's life is to sacrifice themselves to establish peace and prove Allah's supremacy over Satan's challenge.


Their pursuit of economic development is in vain. They blindly follow their Western masters, setting up factories and importing tractors for agricultural improvement, believing these are the only ways to economic progress. They have adopted the usury-based capitalist system, contrary to Allah's explicit prohibition against usury. Their blind adherence to their Western masters' systems has not only failed to bring economic prosperity but has also led to moral and spiritual decline. Today, these nations face more injustice, crime, and corruption than ever before, and their moral character has deteriorated.




This analysis underscores that the current leadership, in their blind imitation of the West, has failed to achieve economic development and has instead led their nations into deeper moral and spiritual crises. The only way out is to return to the true teachings of Islam and reject the secular, materialistic systems imposed by their former Western overlords.


The Reign of Slaves is Terrifying


Now, it is necessary to discuss a few points regarding sovereignty. As previously mentioned, the community of Muhammad (SM) (Ummah) was created for one sole purpose: to establish this final way of life (Deen) in the world through comprehensive struggle. Unfortunately, halfway through this struggle, the community forgot this purpose and abandoned the struggle. Consequently, the existence of this community lost its meaning, as anything without purpose is meaningless. By abandoning the struggle for this purpose, they ceased to be the true Ummah of Muhammad (SM). Without a clear purpose, what followed was inevitable: the creation of numerous opinions, division, and eventual defeat by previously vanquished enemies, resulting in enslavement by them. This enslavement is sufficient proof that this community was no longer believers (Mo'min) or Muslims, nor the Ummah of Muhammad (SM). Because, for any of these categories, subjugation by another nation would be impossible, as Allah has repeatedly stated that He is with the believers and that it is obligatory to help them (Quran, Surah Ar-Rum 47). If those whom Allah is with, and whom He helps, become slaves, the only possible conclusion is that Allah has given false assurances (God forbid).


After several centuries of this slavery, due to specific circumstances, this community appeared to gain partial and superficial freedom from enslavement. I say partial because, as I have explained, when Western rulers left, they handed over power to a class they had meticulously created and educated to be loyal to them. Upon receiving power, these new governments in various countries implemented systems of their former Western rulers, except for monarchy. These new rulers lacked the understanding that transferring sovereignty from the Creator to humans was an act of disbelief (Kufr). Therefore, they adopted systems that denied Allah's sovereignty while foolishly thinking they remained Muslims by performing personal religious practices such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and almsgiving.


They had learned from their previous Christian masters that God and His religion were purely personal matters, and being a good religious person only required personal adherence. They adopted and applied this secularism without resistance from the so-called religious scholars (Ulama-e-Deen) who saw no conflict between implementing secular political and socio-economic systems and their religious beliefs. The primary reasons for this lack of resistance were:


1. Division Among Scholars: Due to the extensive analysis by previous jurists (Fuqaha) and commentators (Mufassir), the Ulama-e-Deen were deeply divided. Unity is a prerequisite for strength, and without it, resistance was weak.


2. Similar Ideologies: The beliefs of these religious scholars were akin to those of Western Christians, where personal faith in Allah and His  Messenger and individual practices of prayer and fasting were seen as sufficient for being a good Muslim, ignoring national and social issues. They were not far from the beliefs of the secular and disbelieving Western nations and still aren’t.


3. Illiteracy and Ignorance: When power was handed over to the 'educated' class, the general populace was largely illiterate and ignorant. The long-standing process of making this nation uneducated bore full fruit, as the general populace, due to the Ulama's excessive analysis, believed religious knowledge to be the only knowledge needed, disregarding other forms of education and knowledge. Consequently, upon gaining power, there were two main factions outside the educated class: the Ulama-e-Deen, whose idea of national, collective life is not the same as the real Islam akin to Western Christian secularism, and a vast uneducated and illiterate populace.


Thus, the educated ruling class implemented the Western systems of governance that denied Allah's sovereignty, across the 'Muslim' world without significant resistance. This rule by black, brawn and yellow Europeans continues, albeit with some exceptions since the beginning. These exceptions are two-fold and oppositional:


1. Increased Western Influence: The ethical-less education system created by foreign rulers to produce clerks was imitated, resulting in these nations becoming more Westernized in thought, culture, and behavior. There is now more communication in English, French, German, Italian within homes, and more Western music played compared to the time when Western nations granted so-called independence.


2. Awakening Consciousness: On the other hand, a segment of the population is waking up, shaking off their long slumber. The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that there will always be a group within his Ummah striving to implement Allah’s commands and prohibitions [Hadith - Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat]. Despite being divided and having distorted understandings of Islam, there is a persistent pressure to establish Islamic laws in national life, even more so after the departure of Western rulers. This pressure is causing ruling authorities to appear to make concessions regarding sovereignty, although the primary aim is to deceive rather than genuinely compromise.


Sovereignty is fundamental for any system, and without it, division and collapse are inevitable. The Christian world, lacking a national life system in their religion, adopted secularism for governance, but even this system required some form of sovereignty. Historically, sovereignty has taken different forms:





King, Emperor

Socialism and Communism

A particular class of people


One leader, dictator





This table clearly shows that there can be no compromise on the question of sovereignty. One must accept only one of these sovereignties. By rejecting Allah's sovereignty and accepting any other means one ceases to be a Muslim or Mo'min. If an individual personally believes in Allah but follows any of the above systems in national life, they are polytheists (Mushrik). If someone believes in any of the above systems in both personal and national life, they are disbelievers (Kafir).


Within a few decades of the colored Europeans’ rule, by Allah’s mercy, some individuals in various Muslim countries began to awaken. Their inspiration came from the group mentioned by the Messenger (peace be upon him) who would continuously strive to establish this Deen. Gradually, the pressure to establish this Deen in national life and abandon the soul-less materialistic systems taught by Western masters increased, leading to a situation where mentally enslaved leaders of various Muslim countries felt compelled to act. They created absurd and impossible systems like Islamic capitalism, Islamic socialism, and Islamic monarchy to deceive the half-educated and uneducated masses. Their aim was deception, but whether they realized it or not, mixing these systems with Allah's sovereignty resulted in polytheism and disbelief. If they understood, it is clear that they were deceiving their own nations to maintain Western-taught anti-Allah systems, knowingly committing sins of knowledge. If they did not understand, it still shows their deep inferiority complex towards everything Western, believing Western systems to be infallible.


If fascism had prevailed after World War II those so-called Muslim leaders would have invented Islamic fascism and implemented it on their people and denigrated democracy, socialism and monarchy along the same lines as they do communism today.


If the western infatuated leaders were not so blinded in their loyalty towards their masters, they would realise that Islamic Christians, Islamic Hindus, Islamic Buddhists, Islamic Jews were closer in relation to Islamic democracy, Islamic socialism, Islamic communism solely because the former believe in the Creator as their Lord and His position above all else. On the other hand, democracy, fascism, socialism deny the existence of the Creator and His right to dictate matters of man, even though some might believe in His existence on the personal level. 


We need to examine in which direction the current leadership of different muslim countries,  in their boundless inferiority complex, are taking their respective nations. They have learned from their true god, i.e., the god of their national life, which is the materialistic Judeo-Christian civilization of the West, that the sole aim of human life is material and economic development. They have named this as improving the standard of living. The Western philosophy of life is to work hard and earn as much as possible, enjoy life as much as possible with that money, and then die when life ends. The current Eastern leadership has learned this philosophy of life very well from their teachers, and in their view, the only meaning of human progress is economic development. This is not limited to the so-called Muslim leadership. Wherever the Western military power conquered the East, they established this materialistic philosophy of life through their education systems. The purpose of the life of the true believer nation, which is the opposite of life enjoyment, i.e., to establish peace (Islam) by standing against and putting an end to all injustices, bloodshed, wars, and unrest of humankind, and to sacrifice themselves to make Allah victorious in the challenge of Iblis, does not enter the minds of these blind leaders in their inferiority complex. Because in their own system of life, they have only learnt about the procedural part of the religion, the rituals and that too only the personal ones like prayers, fasting, etc. They are completely ignorant of the purpose and goal of this nation. They utter "La ilaha illallah" (there is no god but Allah) with their mouths, but by disregarding Allah's direct orders and commands, they enforce the commands of their Western masters to improve their own countries' economic conditions and 'standard of living.' They are failing. Not only are they failing, but the Western masters, after ruling and exploiting them, left power in the hands of those who believed in their political and economic systems, and the economic prosperity that these countries were endowed with 40-50 years ago is no longer there. More men, women, boys, and girls live in semi-starvation and hunger today than on the day the Western masters left. On the day the Western masters left, these countries had no debts. Today, they are indebted to the West to the point of their bones, and their ability to repay that huge debt ended long ago. Meanwhile, whatever purity of soul and character they had was also lost under the influence of Western civilization. Compared to the day the Western masters left, every so-called Muslim country today has much more injustice, murder, robbery, adultery, extortion, theft, and dacoity, ass is wvident from  any statistics. The moral character of every nation has degenerated. So what have the leaders given these countries? They could not even improve the economic conditions by selling their character and soul, their so-called standard of living, though they could not have done so anyway. Both are declining. These leaders are blindly setting up factories, operating industries, and importing tractors to improve the agricultural system in their countries in imitation of the West, because they have learned from their masters that factories and industries are the only means of economic development. In their attempt to achieve economic development in this way, they naturally adopt the capitalist economic system based on interest and implement it in their countries. Since the Western masters are the real lords of these leaders, i.e., the lords of national life, the direct command of the other lord, Allah, which is "Do not consume interest" (Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah 2:275, Surah Al-Imran 3:130), i.e., making interest haram in national and personal life, is not a matter of concern for them. What the Western masters have deemed right, these uneducated foolish 'Muslims' will not abandon just because Allah forbade it a long time ago.


By rejecting Allah’s direct commands to abstain from usury and implementing Western capitalist economic systems, they are blatantly disregarding basic  Islamic teachings. The Quran explicitly prohibits usury (Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah 275, Surah Al-Imran 130), yet these leaders adopt it without hesitation, prioritizing Western directives over divine commands. Consequently, their countries face increasing economic distress, moral degradation, and social injustice, demonstrating the failure of following a path contrary to Islamic principles.


In summary, the leadership of these 'Muslim' countries, by adopting Western systems and rejecting Allah's sovereignty, have led their nations into deeper economic, moral, and social crises, proving the dire consequences of forsaking divine guidance.


This failure of the current leadership in Muslim countries, the failure to gain worldly wealth despite selling faith, character, and soul, and being burdened with debt, is the net result of the polytheist and infidel leadership of the 'Muslim' world. One might question why the materialistic Western world succeeded economically with factories and industries. The answer is that Western nations believe in their geographic nation-state, and most of their people place the interests of their country above their personal interests. Most of them will not engage in actions that harm the state for personal gain. From a young age, their schools instill fundamental values in their character, from which very few deviate, resulting in a disciplined society. Even their alcoholics and adulterers do not commit actions that harm their country or nation, nor do they adulterate food or sell harmful products.


In contrast, the leadership of the 'Muslim' countries in the East still maintains the colonial education system, whose sole purpose was to create a clerical class to keep the rulers' machinery running. This education system taught language, mathematics, geography, some science, and distorted history but did not include character building. Therefore, naturally, students from Western schools become disciplined, while those from the East become unruly. In Western schools, students gain character, while in the East, they come out characterless. When they join government or private jobs or political leadership, they are not guided by any ideal, Western or Eastern. They have not learned to prioritize the state’s interests over their own and thus harm the state for personal gain. Lacking Islamic education, they take bribes, lie, and oppose whatever is Islamic. Thus, what the West does successfully, the East fails at when attempting. This leadership, like the clerks of the colonial rulers, imitates their former masters to such an extent that it becomes pathetic in some cases.


Let’s discuss one aspect. In the Islamic state system (not the geographic state), the head of state, or Khaliph, would receive a stipend sufficient for a common man’s basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter, without any extravagance. During the true Islamic era, Khaliphs did not receive more than this. They did not get a house as part of their stipend; they lived in their own homes, which were often like huts. As the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) expanded this way of life from the Atlantic coast to the borders of China, they became the greatest power on earth, militarily and economically. No other power could stand against them, and they had already defeated the two great superpowers of the time. However, the Caliphs’ stipend remained the same. Even Ali (RA) led this great power while wearing patched clothes, living on half-meals, and residing in a hut.


When political independence was regained after the servitude to small European states, the leadership of this nation began imitating their former masters’ grandeur and opulence in leadership positions like presidents and prime ministers, failing to realize that their imitators were wealthy, having exploited the world for centuries and amassed great wealth. This grandeur suited them but appeared ridiculous for leaders of impoverished, starving nations.


Not understanding this, they did not stop. They began living in grand palaces like their former masters, and their lawmakers adopted similar lifestyles. The general populace in Western countries is economically far better off than the exploited masses here, making it easier to support their government’s opulence. But for the poor masses of the East, who lack clothes and food, this is impossible. Yet, they are forced to make the impossible possible by going hungrier and remaining more unclothed. Earlier, they paid taxes to foreign masters, and now they pay even more to their elected governments. The taxes are now higher to maintain the grandeur and opulence of their local leaders. As the imitation of Western luxury increases, so does the tax burden on the poor. The leadership of these Eastern nations is blind to the fact that giving up one’s identity to blindly imitate others results in losing both sides.


Thus, they have not achieved Western-style economic development or an improved standard of living, but instead have become heavily indebted to the West. Their remaining moral character, which survived servitude, is now being eroded. In terms of administration, the same dismal failure persists. Those who witnessed the administration during the servitude period will attest to the peace, security, and order in public life back then, making some people remark that the servitude was better than this independence.


The result of this imitative effort by the leadership is that Eastern countries are declining in every aspect of life, except in population growth, crime, and debt to the West. The leadership of the Eastern, especially 'Muslim' countries, is blindly chasing worldly wealth like Europe and America, accompanied by the 'educated' class who were educated in the colonial rulers’ education system. This class, ignorant about themselves, firmly believes in the political and socio-economic systems of their former masters. The vast illiterate, almost animal-like populace has no say about their leaders' policies.


Then there is the 'religious' class with their turbans and caps. In various geographic states, this class is not small. If they were to unite and exert pressure on their blind, Western educated leadership, the latter would be forced to abandon imitation. This is not happening and probably won't because, as mentioned earlier, due to the combined work of jurists and unbalanced, distorted Sufism, the religious class is busy issuing trivial, unnecessary fatwas against each other, quarrelling, and incapable of any united action. Secondly, due to distorted beliefs, they are inward-looking and preoccupied with themselves, oblivious to where the Western slave leadership is dragging their nation. They lack the understanding and knowledge of true Islamic teachings to comprehend that their leadership is leading the nation into a pit they will inevitably follow.


If they continue to bury their heads in the sand like ostriches, they will not survive. Even if they manage to live out their lives, their future generations will not. They will be pressured by education, society, and the way of life, not only to abandon Islam but to oppose it. If in doubt, look at their children. If Allah has not completely taken away their sight and sense, they will see that without Islam in national life, their future generations will not remain Muslim. If they cannot understand this by looking at the present, they should look at their nation’s history and try to understand why this Ummah, which Allah called the best nation, became the despised slaves of others for centuries.


In areas like Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Tashkent, Bukhara, and Samarkand, there were many great scholars, and Islam was as strong there as anywhere else. However, like today, they were inward-looking. When communists infiltrated the nation, especially the youth, and changed their thinking, the religious scholars were busy researching and writing scholarly books and articles, thinking they were doing great service to Islam and pleasing Allah and His  Messenger. Suddenly, one day they woke up, but it was too late. They could not protect Islam, despite sacrificing thousands of lives. By then, it was too late. Today, the descendants of those great scholars in Russia ridicule the mention of Allah, His  Messenger, and Islam due to atheistic education.


When Kamal Pasha destroyed the Caliphate in Turkey, the last link of unity for this Ummah, there were millions of religious scholars and pious people, and the population was almost entirely Muslim. The same reason applies. The combined work of jurists and unbalanced, distorted Sufism resulted in distorted beliefs and inward-looking attitudes. This distortion and inwardness are still prevalent throughout the Muslim world. Like the Muslims and religious scholars of Russia and Turkey, the rest of the Muslim world will not escape unless they stop burying their heads in the sand like ostriches. They need to realize that burying their heads will not make them invisible. This inward-looking perspective and distorted beliefs are directly opposed to the way of life, religion, and creed brought by the Messenger (PBUH). Therefore, all their worship becomes futile.


Remember the words of the Messenger (PBUH): a time will come when people will fast the whole month, stay hungry, and wake up for Tahajjud prayer in the middle of the night, losing sleep, yet all their efforts will go in vain.


The leadership, being devoted and blind imitators of Western civilization, are rushing towards a materialistic, unbalanced, one-sided development, ignoring everything else. One aspect of this development is economic progress. This leadership fails to understand a simple fact: to achieve the kind of materialistic, economic success of the West, certain character traits are necessary, which are lacking even among the educated minority of their populations, let alone the uneducated majority. The proof lies in the fact that today, except for the oil-rich countries, the standard of living of the majority in Eastern Muslim countries is lower than it was on the day the Western rulers left. Although the educated minority class has seen some improvement, it is not due to genuine economic development. Instead, a significant portion of the vast sums borrowed from the West has ended up in the pockets of this class through corruption, bribery, and theft. The education system, which was designed to create clerks, remains unchanged, producing a class of educated unemployed people that are of no use to an independent nation, especially in underdeveloped countries. The necessary dedication, integrity, and sense of duty for even economic development are absent in them. They place personal and party interests above the national interest. Laziness and shirking work have become ingrained. They fail even in performing basic and humane duties. In the countries they imitate, the police arrive within two to five minutes of a crime occurring, whereas, in their own countries, the police may not arrive even in 24 hours. In the West, if there is an accident, an ambulance arrives within minutes and rushes the injured to the hospital, where doctors and nurses begin treatment immediately. In their countries, an ambulance comes after much effort and calling, if it isn’t out of order, and if the injured survives until reaching the hospital, they lie unattended in the hospital corridor for hours. In Western government offices, decisions on files are made in the shortest possible time, while in their own countries, if the file isn’t lost, one has to visit daily, spending money to move it from one table to another, only to be told by the officials chewing betel that they are busy and to check back in a couple of months. In the West, train schedules are so precise that people set their watches by them, whereas in their own countries, the trains are hours, not minutes, off schedule. The differences between those being imitated and the imitators are endless at every level and in every field of life.


I have mentioned the debts of Eastern nations to Western ones a couple of times before. There is no doubt that Western countries are much wealthier than Eastern ones for many reasons, but in the context of our discussion, the main reasons are:

a) Almost every Western country, large and small, has become wealthy and powerful by militarily occupying and exploiting an Eastern country or region for centuries.

b) Due to the complete failure of Christianity in national life, it was exiled to personal life, causing Western minds and souls to become thoroughly materialistic. The inevitable result of secularism was that Eastern people, imitating the West, have also adopted a similar materialistic outlook. The primary purpose of Western life has become to fully enjoy this earthly life. To achieve this, they must work hard to acquire wealth, leading them to become extremely hard-working. This intense labor, combined with their scientific and technological knowledge and experience, resulted in what we see today in the Western world, with the West leading in material progress globally. However, unfortunately, the other aspect of human life, the spiritual side, is missing in their lives. Hence, they work tirelessly from morning till night to earn and enjoy life, naturally leading to economic progress.


After World War II, when various European nations left the Eastern countries, they handed over leadership and power to a class ‘educated’ in their education system. I mentioned earlier that the minds of this class were bought; they have no identity of their own. They believe that the Western political, economic, military, administrative, educational, and other systems are the only correct systems, with nothing else existing in the world. The arrangements sent by the Creator through the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) 1400 years ago may have been applicable to an illiterate Bedouin nation, but they believe it is irrelevant in today’s modern age. This is what their former masters taught them, and they have learned and believe it. Surprisingly, many of them still practice prayers, fasting, Hajj, and Zakat, which were prescribed for those Bedouins 1400 years ago. What is the logic behind this? In any case, the Western masters left, but they did so with the assurance and security that their indirect rule would continue because those who came to power are, except for their skin color, complete representatives of the West. When these brown Englishmen, black Frenchmen, and yellow Dutch Spaniards started ruling their illiterate masses, the former masters made it clear that they were very poor (though it was they who made them poor; before their occupation, these Eastern countries were much wealthier than those European ones, as history shows). Now they need to make economic progress because the primary purpose of human life is to acquire wealth and enjoy life. But to make economic progress, they need to set up factories like ours and industrialize their countries. For industrialization, they need money, which they don’t have (as the West had drained it over the centuries). No worries, they said; we are very generous and will lend you the money, so start setting up factories.


The real intention behind this generosity of the Western former masters was different. While they had to relinquish political control, they aimed to maintain economic dominance. Just like a usurious moneylender who lures the debtor with sweet words, eventually taking everything, their intention was to economically enslave these Eastern nations by putting golden chains of debt around their necks. There was no question that the Eastern leadership, mentally enslaved to the West, would reject such a proposal. They eagerly accepted it, and it is history that they did so. Not only did they accept it, but the Muslim leadership in the East, who prays, fasts, and performs Hajj, even those with marks of prostration on their foreheads, agreed to the usury-based system initiated by the Jews and took the loans. However, Allah has strictly forbidden all forms of usury-based transactions, deeming them haram (prohibited), but this means nothing to those ‘Muslim’ leaders.


Although the real intention of the wealthy Western creditor nations was to keep the Eastern nations in economic servitude and control through debt, the Eastern nations could have achieved economic progress and improved living standards if they had properly utilized the loans. But this was not possible, as I mentioned before, and will explain again. The first reason is a lack of education. The leadership, being blind imitators, did not change the clerk-producing education system after gaining independence to one that builds character. Therefore, the character needed for any kind of national progress, let alone economic, has not been developed. As a result, the discipline, order, respect for teachers, and other values present in schools at the time of the Western departure are now a fraction of what they were. The schools are busy with factionalism, shootings, and stabbings, following political parties. As for the quality of education, it is evident that it has declined significantly compared to the colonial era. During British rule, a matriculation pass was equivalent to the current Master’s degree in terms of English, science, mathematics, and geography proficiency. Today, most people with Master’s degrees cannot even write a page correctly in Bengali or English, let alone work as interpreters in English.


The second reason is adopting the political systems of the West. These systems, created by human intellect, evolved gradually in the social, religious, economic, mental, and moral environments of Europe. However, the Eastern leadership, in their blind inferiority complex, imposed them unchanged—lock, stock, and barrel—on their own nations and people. Their mental slavery is so deep that they failed to use the common sense even illiterate people possess. They could have seen that a system developed through struggle in a completely different, primarily opposite environment would not work if suddenly imposed on the Eastern nations, leading inevitably to disorder and despair. This is precisely what happened. After independence, the political, economic, and administrative systems of most Eastern countries collapsed, and the military had to take over to restore order. On one hand, a lack of character led to work indolence, laziness, and prioritizing personal and party interests over national interests. On the other hand, political instability, frequent government changes, movements, and frequent strikes hindered any economic planning or industrialization. Therefore, despite obtaining massive loans from former masters, Eastern leadership failed to improve their desired living standards; in fact, conditions worsened. Meanwhile, the debts on these countries have ballooned to astronomical amounts. For instance, 42% of Bangladesh's GDP is based on foreign loans. According to Bangladesh Bank, the total debt, including public and private, was $100.63 billion or 1,06,300 crore dollars by the end of 2023, amounting to over 11,79,151.47 crore taka. According to a report by CPD in 2023-24, per capita debt is about 1.5 lakh taka. Bangladesh repaid more than $300 crore in foreign debt in the fiscal year 2023-24.


The majority of the loan money is going into the pockets of corrupt individuals, resulting in no real development. Consequently, these countries can't even pay the interest on these loans, let alone the principal. The amount of debt continues to rise significantly. The Western masters have achieved their full objective by chaining Eastern nations with debt, thereby exerting control not just economically but in many other ways as well. The burden of this enormous debt does not fall on the leaders but on the general public of these countries. To pay just a portion of the interest, the leaders are imposing tax upon tax and rent upon rent, yet the debt burden keeps increasing. Every person in these countries unknowingly carries thousands of takas in debt. The poor farmer who is ploughing his field has no idea that the leaders, whom they elected through the Western-style voting system, have borrowed thousands of crores of dollars and pounds from the West on their behalf. The lower and middle-class office workers who commute daily, the businessmen running their businesses, are all unaware that a massive debt looms over them, which they will have to pay, sooner or later. Today, both the Western creditor nations and the Eastern debtor nations clearly see that these half-starved, nearly naked nations cannot repay such enormous debts. However, the creditor nations do not suffer any loss because they had already imposed such conditions while giving the loans, and the Eastern leaders accepted these conditions wholeheartedly. They have already recouped the loan money with interest. Even if they don’t get the principal back today, they don’t lose anything, but on paper, a huge sum remains owed to them. As a result, the Eastern leaders stand before the creditors with folded hands, begging for more loans. They ask for more loans because they cannot function without them, and by taking new loans, they pay off some interest on the old ones. Today, almost all Eastern countries, especially Muslim countries, are spiritually and economically indebted to the West.


Let's look at another aspect of the Muslim leadership that is trampled under the feet of Western Judeo-Christian civilization. I have previously mentioned a hadith of the Messenger (PBUH) where he said that there will always be a group within his Ummah that will strive to bring people to the path of Allah, understand the purpose of Islam, and engage in jihad to bring back misguided people to the true path. Despite many doctrinal errors, there is always some isolated effort in the history of this nation to bring back the rules of religion into national life. The current Muslim world's leadership is aware of this pressure and is countering it in every possible way. Here are the ways they are countering it.


The first method is to deceive the ignorant and uneducated public about true Islam by showing external and unnecessary actions to appear as excellent Muslims. For instance, allocating some funds for building and repairing mosques, printing images of mosques on banknotes, declaring Friday as a holiday, writing "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" at the beginning of various official books, etc. This is known in English as "window dressing," painting the outside to deceive people. The latest process of this deception is to declare Islam as the state religion. This does not bring any fundamental change; the polytheistic and unbelieving state system remains fully intact. However, the ignorant public thinks that a lot of Islam is being implemented and becomes very happy, considering their government as very religious and supporting it. A socialist leader of a large Muslim country once tried to quell a massive public protest by declaring Friday as a holiday and bringing the Imam of the Holy Kaaba to lead Friday prayers in various cities.


The second method is to set the political parties, whose principles are imported from the West, i.e., secular and anti-religious, against these jihadi groups. They create clashes among them and, if possible, use them to suppress the jihadis. If this does not work, they adopt the third method: arresting those struggling for the establishment of true religion, beating, shooting, and hanging them.


The current Muslim world's leadership tries to deceive the ignorant public by giving speeches that Islam is not only the greatest religion but also a complete way of life (if it is a complete way of life, it must include political, socio-economic, legal, penal, administrative, and educational systems – this is common sense) and only Islam can bring peace to the world. The public applauds, cheers the leaders, and thinks they are under excellent Muslim leadership. After the speeches, the leaders go back to their offices and run the country according to the polytheistic and unbelieving systems taught by their former masters. The irony is that this nation, once the world's teacher, has descended to such a level of ignorance and illiteracy due to the work of jurists, commentators, and religious scholars that they can't even understand the clear hypocrisy of their leaders.


At this point it is very important to as certain in which direction, these blind leadership that is subservient to the Judeo-Christian civilization, the Dajjal is leading their general uneducated, impoverished population. It's crucial to judge where they are taking them, certainly not towards heaven. Even a fool won't say that because their declared objective is to develop the standard of living like the developed countries. In simple terms, to follow the lifestyle of Western nations, which is to work hard from dawn to dusk to gather wealth and enjoy life. I have already explained why they can never achieve this. In trying to do so, they have borrowed so much money that they have reached a state where, if they had not attempted any development or borrowed any money, the economic situation of these countries would have been better than it is now. At least, there wouldn't be such a huge debt burden on every person's head.


For the sake of argument, if we assume that the current Muslim world's leadership is successful in making their countries as wealthy as the developed Western countries, what will happen? Those countries are only developed in one aspect – materialistic. They have houses, cars, planes, TVs, washing machines, and comforts. But they are blind to the other aspects of human life. They have abandoned the life system given by Allah and created their own. As a result of the inevitable consequences of this unbalanced, one-sided life system, they have developed such terrifying weapons that they can wipe out all of humanity from the earth within a few hours. The moral state of family and personal life is even more tragic. Since they exiled religion from national life, the decline has reached such a level that family bonds are almost non-existent in the West, and sexual morality is virtually non-existent. Homosexuality is not only constitutionally legal but highly popular among students, the military, and the general public. Eighty to ninety percent of unmarried girls aged fourteen to fifteen have lost their virginity. One in every three newborns is illegitimate. These statistics are theirs, not ours. The crime rates for murder, assault, robbery, rape are still much higher than in poor countries. The current leadership of Eastern, especially 'Muslim' countries, is rushing headlong, dragging their uneducated, simple, and ignorant populations towards that soulless, hellish civilization. Allah's life system aims for peace, hence its name Islam (peace). Mere economic development will not bring peace. If it did, then Europe, America, and Japan, the wealthiest regions, would be the most peaceful. But they are not. Wealth can provide comfort but not peace. Comfort and peace are not the same. The first condition for peace is security of life and property. True Islam provided such peace that people could sleep with their doors open, leave their gold shops unattended to go to the mosque, and no one would take a single coin. If something valuable was lost on the road, it would be found in its place; no one would take it as their own. This is an example of peace. In such an environment, even sleeping under a tree would bring tranquility to the mind. History testifies that neither the Messenger of Allah nor the first four Khaliphs of Islam had any bodyguards. They often rested or slept under the shade of a tree. On the contrary, Western civilization has given us a society where every person views others with suspicion. Even the bowl of a blind beggar gets stolen, shoes get stolen from mosques, and rulers live surrounded by multiple layers of security. Highly trained, heavily armed bodyguards accompany them, and they use bulletproof cars with dark windows. They can't feel safe for a single moment. For the wealthy, life is nothing but suffering. They live in air-conditioned houses and cars, but most of their family lives are like hell. They are worried about balancing their wealth and competing to become even wealthier, resembling mad elephants. Therefore, economic development can ensure comfort and luxury but cannot bring peace. About their national condition of life, as Promathnath Bishir said, "Europe has indeed achieved, but can it enjoy in peace? The wounds of its body do not have time to heal – how will it enjoy?" Therefore, only the life system given by the Creator can provide both economic development and peace.


Let's leave Europe and America aside; a part of the Muslim world has already become wealthy like the West due to oil. They have wrapped their precious cars in gold foil because they have no place to store their money. What has Allah or the Messenger (PBUH) gained from it? Far from achieving the purpose for which the Muslim Ummah was created, despite having vast wealth and forty times larger area and population, they are being humiliated by tiny Israel. So, why are the rest of the Muslim world's leaders rushing madly towards economic development?


When Eestern leaders, with eager hearts, accepted the proposal to take on Western debt and placed those golden shackles around their own necks and the necks of their people, they not only created a mountain of interest leading to economic enslavement but also allowed those chains to exert influence in other areas of life. Only those who have experienced it can fully understand the extent of a lender's influence on a debtor's life. Ask any debtor how far they must go to please the lender. Many have read news stories about debt-ridden individuals having to marry off their young daughters to elderly lenders to keep them happy. The same applies at the state level. Debtor states, willingly or unwillingly, must fulfill the many wishes of creditor states to keep them happy. Among these many wishes, a crucial one is the propagation of Christianity in these poor debtor countries. This is not because they are excellent Christians—far from it—but for political reasons. Previously, when they conquered the East with military might, the clergy followed their armies. The Western occupying states fully supported these clergy in spreading Christianity, providing them with government aid, schools, and forcing enrollment by closing local schools and madrasas. Financial aid at the state level was also available. The aim was to make these people Christian, ensuring their dominance would be permanent. Even if they couldn't convert everyone, converting a significant portion would mean that part would be religiously and culturally aligned with them. They tried their best for two centuries, and even after granting independence to these conquered countries, it remained politically necessary to maintain their influence and cultural penetration. Here, the golden shackles of debt were very useful. Today, in these Eastern countries, Christian missionary organizations are more active in education and establishing new churches than during colonial times, achieving much greater success. Under the guise of public welfare and disaster aid, they continue their real work, backed by financial and diplomatic support from their states. The Eastern leaders, who sold their minds and souls, are aiding their former masters by helping to convert their people to Christianity. The results are evident. When European and American states left the Eastern countries, the number of Christians in these countries was far less than it is today.


Under the rule of non-Muslim Christian European rulers, when these so-called Muslim nations were their slaves, they enjoyed a certain degree of religious freedom—mainly personal. Even after gaining independence, they have not gained any more freedom than that. During the enslavement under Christian rulers, they were allowed to perform all personal religious duties such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and charity; the same is permitted by local rulers today. The white foreign masters did not allow religion to interfere with politics, economics, law, or judiciary matters, and neither do the black and brown local rulers. In terms of Islam, there is no difference between the slavery of that time and the freedom of today. The only difference is that the security of life, property, and honor provided by their governance then is now less than ten percent.

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