Attacks by Extremists on Members of Hezbut Tawheed: When Will They End?

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Caption: The house of Hezbut Tawheed member Abdul Aziz, which was destroyed by being hacked with sharp iron rods, machetes, and crowbars, after being looted.
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Caption: Another house at the honorable Imam's residence has been destroyed and leveled to the ground.
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Caption: The house of Hezbut Tawheed member Abdul Gafur, which was also destroyed after being looted.
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Caption: One of the houses in the Honorable Imam's residence, completely burned down. A crowd of onlookers gathers.
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Caption: After looting Kamal Hossain's house, a member of Hezbut Tawheed, it was set ablaze. The remaining structure was thoroughly destroyed with tools such as hammers and spades. The house had previously been looted and burned in 2009 as well.
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Caption: Fanatical terrorists set fire to the honorable Imam's residence in this manner, burning it down.
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Caption: Khokon and Rubel, two members of Hezbut Tawheed, were savagely beaten, their veins cut, and they were slaughtered. Their eyes were gouged out, and their bodies were burned.
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Caption: Khokon and Rubel, two members of Hezbut Tawheed, were savagely beaten, their veins cut, and they were slaughtered. Their eyes were gouged out, and their bodies were burned.
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Caption: In this manner, the Imam's house, along with the buildings and mosque of Hezbut Tawheed, was attacked and demolished. It was propagated that all members of Hezbut Tawheed were Christians and that their mosque was a church. It was claimed that killing them would bring great merit.
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Caption: The attackers were armed with sharp, long weapons. They carried out the massacres and destructive acts right in front of the police. These scenes were broadcasted by numerous national and international media outlets.
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Caption: Under the slogan 'Kill Christians, Destroy Churches,' a group of clerics paraded through the village streets, inciting mob violence in the area.
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Caption: In this manner, the Imam's house, along with the buildings and mosque of Hezbut Tawheed, was attacked and demolished. It was propagated that all members of Hezbut Tawheed were Christians and that their mosque was a church. It was claimed that killing them would bring great merit.
Author ::
Oct 16, 2024
visibility 5 Read

For the past three decades, Hezbut Tawheed has been actively raising awareness against the exploitation and misuse of religion for political gains and the promotion of extremism in the name of Islam. We have consistently highlighted the dangers posed by so-called religious fanatics, who spread false information, perpetrate terrorism, endanger lives and property, and persecute those with differing opinions. In response to these radical ideologies, we have stood firmly for the true teachings of Islam, spreading our message only through peaceful means. By adhering to the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of Bangladesh and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations, we have lawfully carried out our mission across the nation.


Through the tireless efforts of our dedicated members, we have successfully organized over 200,000 events, including street rallies, public meetings, seminars, human chains, and roundtable discussions throughout various regions of the country. Our struggle has sparked a significant transformation in people’s understanding of religion, prompting them to reject harmful practices disguised as faith. Hezbut Tawheed has unveiled the true essence of Islam, which had been obscured for centuries under layers of misleading doctrines.


However, since our movement’s inception, a particular group of religious profiteers has continuously conspired to hinder our noble mission.


Voices of Extremism

"Hezbut Tawheed are absolute infidels. A key responsibility of yours is to dedicate part of your sermons to discussing Hezbut Tawheed."— Allama Junaid Babunagari

"Anyone who calls them Muslims is also a disbeliever."— Mufti Rezwan Rafiqi

"Wherever you find them, seize them and skin them alive."— Mufti Rezaul Karim

"Their tongues will be ripped out."

"Bury them without funeral rites."

"I declare a bounty of 500,000 Taka on their heads."

"It is now an obligation for everyone to kill this Dajjal."


For the last three decades, our members have been relentlessly attacked by extremists incited by such provocative statements. No matter where our members have traveled across the country to spread the true message of Islam—be it by distributing books, leaflets, or newspapers—these individuals have created unrest and incited violence against us. Our members have been repeatedly subjected to brutal physical assaults, leaving them severely injured. Their homes have been burned down, and their possessions stolen. Even the women in our organization have not been spared from their violence.


The main reason behind this antagonism is evident: Hezbut Tawheed has exposed that exploiting religion for personal gain is strictly prohibited in Islam. This group, eager to protect their vested interests, has resorted to countless lies and violent attacks against us. Many innocent members of our organization have lost their lives due to this heinous brutality.


First Martyrdom: The Tragic Death of Saifullah


The first martyr of Hezbut Tawheed was Saifullah, a dedicated member from Barisal. On May 5, 2003, he was attacked while distributing leaflets at Bhurghata bus stand in Madaripur. A group of men, dressed in Islamic attire and armed with sticks and rods, brutally beat him to death in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses.

A Wave of Attacks Across the Country

Just four months after this incident, on September 11, a similar attack was carried out against local members of Hezbut Tawheed in Kushtia by a terrorist group associated with Jamaat-Shibir. Rabeya Khatun, a senior female member of the organization, was brutally attacked and killed on the spot. This was only the beginning. Over the years, members of Hezbut Tawheed have continued to fall victim to religious extremists in various parts of the country.


The Most Brutal Attack: Sonaimuri, Noakhali


The most brutal attack took place on March 14, 2016, in Sonaimuri, Noakhali. At that time, Hezbut Tawheed members were constructing a mosque at the home of the honorable Imam. Religious fanatics incited local people by falsely claiming that the mosque was actually a church, and that Hezbut Tawheed members were Christians.


Hundreds of extremists, armed with sharp weapons, descended on the area and launched a vicious attack. They demolished the under-construction mosque and mercilessly killed two members, Rubel and Khokon. Their barbarity did not end with the killings. The extremists gouged out their eyes, mutilated their genitals, and severed other body parts. Finally, their bodies were doused in petrol and set ablaze. The inhumane brutality inflicted upon martyrs Rubel and Khokon was even more monstrous than that of Hind, who chewed the liver of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) beloved uncle, Hamza (RA), at the Battle of Uhud.


Eyewitnesses reported that the extremists intended to leave no Hezbut Tawheed member alive that day. However, due to the courageous resistance from local members and timely intervention by law enforcement, more than a hundred male and female workers managed to survive. Yet, not a single one was left uninjured. Many of them still carry the scars from that horrific day.


Recent Incidents


The most recent attack occurred on August 23, 2022, at the Pabna district office. Around 8:30 PM, a group of 40-50 armed terrorists stormed the office and began indiscriminately assaulting the workers present. Ten members were severely injured, and one devoted worker, Sujon Mondol, was killed.

Similar incidents have continued across the country:

March 22, 2021: A group of terrorists attacked the shop and home of Hezbut Tawheed member Haji Mohammad Idris in Nasirnagar, Brahmanbaria.


November 2013: Four members were brutally assaulted by students of Jamia Yunusia Madrasa in Brahmanbaria while selling newspapers. They struggled for their lives in the hospital for six months before recovering.


Similar attacks occurred in various regions, such as Bashikpur, Feni (2000); Mathurapur, Kushtia (2000); Rangpur (2014); Narayanpur, Habiganj (2017); Madaripur (2018); Bishwambharpur, Sunamganj (2018); and Kamrangirchar, Dhaka (2019).


Political Unrest and New Wave of Attacks


On August 5, 2024, following the collapse of the Bangladesh Awami League government led by Sheikh Hasina due to a mass uprising, the country descended into chaos. Amidst this unstable political climate, extremist groups launched assaults on Hezbut Tawheed, a non-political religious reform movement. Since then, these extremists have incited their followers on social media to commit violent acts against us. In Sonaimuri upazila, where Hezbut Tawheed's Imam, Mr. Hossain Mohammad Salim, resides, approximately 500 families have endured attacks on their homes and businesses, with millions of taka worth of property destroyed on the first day alone, affecting around fifty families. Although extremists have attempted to mobilize terrorist groups multiple times, they have largely failed due to the strong resistance from the villagers and adverse weather conditions.


On August 9, there was an attempt to steal cattle from a farm; although the cows were not taken, hay stacks were set ablaze. Then, on August 20, extremists locked the doors of the Hezbut Tawheed General Secretary's house and set it on fire, intending to harm the occupants. Neighbors rushed to help extinguish the fire, but despite contacting emergency services, no assistance arrived in time, and our offices in Sherpur, Gaibandha, Sunamganj, Kushtia, Pabna, Lakshmipur, and several other districts were also vandalized.


A Call for Justice


For decades, these terrorist acts have persisted under the guise of religion. The extremist group behind these attacks aims to protect their personal interests by attacking Hezbut Tawheed, but they are nothing more than terrorists. The only way to end this cycle of violence is to bring these perpetrators to justice. Let us unite against those who exploit religion for selfish gains, turning it into a weapon of chaos and terror.


Justice must be served for every incident. Only then can we break the grip of terrorism and restore peace and dignity for all.

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