Threats and Extremist Attacks on Hezbut Tawheed Escalate (after 05 august 2024)

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Caption: On the night of August 9, in Saharpur village, Sonaimuri, Noakhali, miscreants set fire to eight haystacks collected from 30 acres of land. These haystacks were intended for a cattle farm located 100 meters away. (09 August 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: On the night of August 9, in Saharpur village, Sonaimuri, Noakhali, miscreants set fire to eight haystacks collected from 30 acres of land. These haystacks were intended for a cattle farm located 100 meters away. (09 August 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: Joypurhat district office vandalized. (05 August 2024, Joypurhat)
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Caption: Joypurhat district office vandalized. (05 August 2024, Joypurhat)
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Caption: Joypurhat district office vandalized. (05 August 2024, Joypurhat)
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Caption: Hezbut Tawheed members’ shops and houses were vandalized in Pabna. (05 August 2024, Pabna)
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Caption: Hezbut Tawheed members’ shops and houses were vandalized in Pabna. (05 August 2024, Pabna)
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Caption: Sunamganj district office was vandalized and signboards, banners were torn down. (05 August 2024, Sunamganj)
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Caption: Sunamganj district office was vandalized and signboards, banners were torn down. (05 August 2024, Sunamganj)
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Caption: In Bipulashar, around the house of the Hezbut Tawheed Imam, there are 50 families living nearby. During the attack, the houses ware completely looted ‍and vandalism is carried out. (13 August 2024, Cumilla)
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Caption: The homes of the members of “Hezbut Tawheed” were attacked, set on fire, and everything inside was completely destroyed by the flames. (13 August 2024, Cumilla)
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Caption: In Bipulashar, around the house of the Hezbut Tawheed Imam, there are 50 families living nearby. During the attack, the houses ware completely looted ‍and vandalism is carried out. (13 August 2024, Cumilla)
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Caption: The homes of the members of “Hezbut Tawheed” were attacked, set on fire, and everything inside was completely destroyed by the flames. (13 August 2024, Cumilla)
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Caption: They set the house on fire in the middle of the night, trying to kill the whole family. (20 August 2024, Lakshmipur)
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Caption: The attackers broke the windows of the house and looted valuables from inside. (13 August 2024, Cumilla)
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Caption: They also smashed the shop’s shutters and destroyed the furniture. (13 August 2024, Cumilla)
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Caption: The attackers broke the windows of the house and looted valuables from inside. (13 August 2024, Cumilla)
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Caption: They set the house on fire in the middle of the night, trying to kill the whole family. (20 August 2024, Lakshmipur)
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Caption: They threatened that if we complain to the police station, they will surround the police station. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: They threatened that if we complain to the police station, they will surround the police station. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: At the Sonaimuri Crossroads, they incited the crowd with provocative speeches. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: At the Sonaimuri Crossroads, they incited the crowd with provocative speeches. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: At the Sonaimuri Crossroads, they incited the crowd with provocative speeches. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: The frenzy was broadcasted live on Facebook. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: At the Sonaimuri Crossroads, they incited the crowd with provocative speeches. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: At the Sonaimuri Crossroads, they incited the crowd with provocative speeches. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: They set the house on fire in the middle of the night, trying to kill the whole family. (20 August 2024, Lakshmipur)
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Caption: At the illegal gathering, the radical mullahs issued an ultimatum to kill the Imam of Hezbut Tawheed and evict the movement’s members from the area. (07 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: Media Coverage of the Press Conference
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Caption: Media Coverage of the Press Conference
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Caption: Four days after the incident, on September 11, extremist speakers threatened to wipe out Hezbut Tawheed and kill its imam in Maijdee, Noakhali. (11 September 2024, Noakhali)
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Caption: hhhhhhh
Author ::
Oct 16, 2024
visibility 460 Read
In the wake of Bangladesh’s recent political unrest, following the fall of the Awami League government, Hezbut Tawheed—a non-political religious reformist movement—has become a target of extremist violence. The collapse of the government, replaced by a military-backed interim administration, has thrown the country into chaos, with extremist groups exploiting the situation to attack Hezbut Tawheed’s members and properties.
Hezbut Tawheed’s Mission
Founded in 1995 by Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni, Hezbut Tawheed seeks to promote a peaceful and rational interpretation of Islam. The movement stands against religious extremism, intolerance, and the exploitation of religion for personal gain. Hezbut Tawheed advocates interfaith harmony, gender equality, and human rights, positioning itself as a progressive Islamic reformist group dedicated to social welfare.
The movement strictly adheres to five core principles:
1. No political involvement.
2. No engagement in illegal activities.
3. Members earn legally and fund the movement.
4. No external financial aid.
5. Transparency in all activities.
Over the last 30 years, Hezbut Tawheed has worked peacefully within Bangladesh, organizing over 200,000 public meetings, seminars, and rallies to raise awareness about extremism.
Growing Extremist Opposition
From the outset, Hezbut Tawheed’s reformist stance has drawn hostility from radical factions, who oppose its efforts to promote interfaith unity and gender equality. The movement’s denunciation of using religion for personal gain and its emphasis on women’s rights have made it a prime target for extremists.
Hezbut Tawheed has consistently emphasized that Islam supports gender equality and rejects the forced imposition of ideologies. The movement also advocates cultural freedom and rejects the idea that Arab customs must be adopted to practice Islam. These views directly challenge extremist groups, which exploit religion to gain power and incite violence.
Violent Attacks on Hezbut Tawheed
Since the political upheaval of August 2024, extremist attacks on Hezbut Tawheed have surged. The unrest in Bangladesh has created an environment where these groups can act with impunity, orchestrating mob violence against the movement. Homes, offices, and shops owned by Hezbut Tawheed members have been looted and set on fire, with extremists inciting mobs through social media.
One particularly violent incident occurred on August 20, when extremists attempted to burn down the house of the general secretary of Hezbut Tawheed’s Lakshmipur district branch, locking the family inside. Fortunately, the family managed to escape, but the attack highlighted the severe threats facing the movement.
Similar attacks have been carried out against Hezbut Tawheed’s offices across multiple districts, including Sherpur, Pabna, and Kushtia. Extremist groups have targeted these locations, vandalizing and destroying properties while inciting hatred and violence against the movement.
The Movement’s Resilience
Despite these repeated assaults, Hezbut Tawheed remains committed to its peaceful principles. The movement has consistently sought legal action rather than retaliating with violence. Its leader, Hossain Mohammad Salim, has continued to promote socio-economic development in his village despite the ongoing threats. Projects such as cattle farms, schools, and medical clinics have provided employment and welfare for local communities, benefiting thousands of people.
However, extremist groups continue to perceive Hezbut Tawheed’s activities as a threat to their influence. Using social media, they have rallied their followers to organize attacks, threatening violence if the movement is not expelled from certain areas. Recently, they held rallies near the home of Hossain Mohammad Salim, openly inciting attacks and issuing ultimatums to the local population.
Hezbut Tawheed’s Appeal for Justice
While Hezbut Tawheed has faced over a thousand attacks in the past 30 years, the current wave of violence is particularly concerning. Extremist groups are using the political instability to further their agenda of religious extremism and intolerance. The movement has repeatedly called on authorities to bring those responsible for the attacks to justice and ensure the safety of its members.
Hezbut Tawheed’s demands are simple:
1. Prosecute those inciting violence and making threats.
2. Hold accountable those using social media to spread extremist rhetoric.
3. Investigate recent attacks and bring perpetrators to justice.
The movement stresses that it has no political ambitions and only seeks to practice and promote a peaceful interpretation of Islam. Despite facing significant threats, Hezbut Tawheed remains steadfast in its commitment to counter extremism through education, dialogue, and reform.
Hezbut Tawheed’s non-violent resistance to extremism stands as a beacon of hope in a country grappling with political chaos. While extremist groups continue to target the movement, Hezbut Tawheed’s resolve to uphold the true teachings of Islam, promote peace, and fight religious intolerance remains unshaken. The movement calls for justice and protection, urging the government to take decisive action against those who seek to incite violence and suppress peaceful reform.

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