



Humans are unlike other creatures. They are an extraordinary creation, endowed with superior intelli... Read more

The Quran-The Miracle

The Quran-The Miracle


Up to this point, we have discussed a f... Read more

The Creation of Man

The Creation of Man


Various religious texts and scientific th... Read more

The Programme

The Programme


From the first Rasul Adam (AS) to the last one, Muhammad (sm) every Messenger that Allah has sent to bring Read more

The Actual Concept of Islam

The Actual Concept (Aqida) of Islam


All Alems and Fakihs of this religion share the same opinion that Iman (faith) is useless if ‘Aqida’... Read more

Crossroads in Time

Crossroads in Time


We, the people think of ourselves as Mo’mens, Muslims and Ummat–e–Muhammadi, what is our history? Where have we come fro... Read more

A Unique Opportunity

A Unique Opportunity


Hadis- "Those who resist and confront the cursed Dajjal, their honor, prestige and reward will be the same as the Shaheed (martyrs) o... Read more

Actual Ebadat

Actual Ebadat 


IN THE last chapter, I have tried to detail the consequences arising from the changing of the meaning of the 'Kalema' 'La Elaha Ella Allah' to... Read more

The Present State of Mankind

The Present State of Mankind


THE prophecies uttered by the Rasul Allah 1400 years back regarding the era we live in today has come true to the last letter. For qu... Read more


Author : , 27 Jun, 2024;



WHILE it becomes clear from reading this book that the Judeo-Christian materialistic civilization is indeed the Read more

The Dajjal in the Bible

The Dajjal in the Bible


THE New Testament tells us that the Anti-Christ is to appear in the Last Hour. The literal meaning of the Anti-Christ is someone who defie... Read more

Other Hadis Concerning the Dajjal

Other Hadis Concerning the Dajjal


AS I HAVE stated earlier in this book, many 'Sahih' or 'correct' Hadis have been omitted from the exclusive category due to thei... Read more

Identity of the Dajjal

Identity of the Dajjal


Along with the prophecy of the appearance of the Dajjal, the Messenger of Allah has left us some definite signs and symbols by which his Um... Read more

Importance of the Dajjal's Emergence

Importance of the Dajjal's Emergence


🙥 One 🙧

The Messenger of Allah has said, 'There will be no greater... Read more




Over the last thousand and four hundred years, the coming of the one-eyed giant, the Dajjal, has remained the topic of numerous discussions and d... Read more

Mojeza from Allah: Declaration of Hezbut Tawheed's Victory

Author : , 26 Jun, 2024;

Mojeza from Allah: Declaration of Hezbut Tawheed's Victory


The world we live in today is replete with injustice, inequity, persecution, warfare, bloodshed, rape a... Read more

Dajjal, the Anti-Christ has appeared!!

Dajjal, the Anti-Christ has appeared!!


The final and the greatest Messenger of Allah Mohammad (SM) foretold the arrival of a huge one-eyed giant astride a mighty... Read more

The call of true Islam

Author : , 26 Jun, 2024;

The call of true Islam


To people, who are aware to even a minimum degree of what is happening around them in this world, it does not come as any surprise what pit... Read more

The author



The Emam-uz-zaman was born into the aristocrat family o... Read more

Jehad, Ketal and Terrorism

Jehad, Ketal, and Terrorism


From the time my books have been published, one thing that has been noticed is that a section of the so–called Muslim society ha... Read more